Family Alive

Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

Lakeside 4yr old kindergarten spring program

17th May 2011

Tonight was Josiah’s 4 year old kindergarten spring program at Lakeside. Here is a picture of Josiah and Grandma and then a couple videos of highlights of the program. Josiah has a speaking part towards the beginning of the second video. There were a lot of good Rich Mullins songs that they were singing – Step by step and Awesome God.

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Sleep-over #2

14th March 2011

Friday night, Lech and Ava came to spend the night with us. Saturday night, Kristine took the kids over to spend the night with Lauren and Anna while Lennie and I traveled down to St Francisville, Louisiana to race Rouge Roubaix. Check out the pictures and videos on our blog (if you are reading on facebook).

First on the menu Saturday morning was a trip through the woods to the Rocky Ridge playground. Kristine got this great picture of Analise and Josiah with Lech and Ava.

Walking through the woods to the Rocky Ridge playground.

I said good-bye to the bunny before heading out on a seven hour drive deep into the bayou of Louisiana.

Saying good-bye to the bunny before heading out to Rouge Roubaix.

The bunny chauffeur.

Making room for the bunny.

Ice skating poses.

Ice skating princess.

Anna and Josiah ice skating together.

Analise and Lauren ice skating together.

Anna and Josiah holding hands in the parking lot.

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A Handsome Little Dude

18th February 2011

Today Josiah had a 50’s Hop at preschool. The boys were to dress like The Fonz and the girls were to wear poodle skirts. The classes headed to the gym for some old school dancing. They were so cute! You can’t tell, but Josiah’s hair was slicked back and his pants were rolled up. What a handsome little dude! You can see the dancing in action (and Josiah playing the air guitar) here:

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Christmas Tree Takedown 2011

3rd February 2011

Today was the big day … Christmas tree takedown 2011. Reading by the Christmas tree lights is a fun activity of mine, so I might have to hold off on reading until next Christmas now that the tree is finally down. I thought I would post a few pictures from the snow/sleet/freezing rain today (perfect sign that it’s still winter) along with videos of the kids singing by the Christmas tree. A fitting end to the Christmas tree season at the Toone household – just in time for the Packers super bowl party this Sunday!

(If you are reading this on Facebook, then watch the videos below on our blog page –

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Picture / video catch-up from the Alabama “snowmageddon”

13th January 2011

We just survived what was being called “snowmageddon” here in Alabama. Unfortunately, the bulk of the snow was just north of Birmingham with some places getting over 6-8 inches of snow. The snowfall dropped sharply below a line about 10 miles north of us with only about an inch of snow and another inch of sleet/freezing rain falling here in our part of Hoover. But it was enough to cancel school for two days (Monday and Tuesday)! The pictures below document the story – hover over each one to see a caption.

If reading on facebook, then click here to watch the videos on our blog

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Full heart!

9th January 2011

It’s been such a good day. Typing on my iPhone, but I just had to capture the sweet simple memories.

I worked Friday/Saturday, leaving Brian and the kids Thursday evening. I came home to happy kiddos and husband, lots of hugs and Josiah saying several times, “I was missing you, Mom!”

The kids joined us in bed this morning, full of sweet snuggles, spontaneous hugs for each other and kisses all around. Ahhhh… loved it. They were both full of love today, playing well together, wrapping their little arms around me with hugs at random
times. They joined me snuggling on the couch as I watched the Packers game (Yay Packers!!!), as we settled in for winter storm. And as the sleet and flakes fell tonight, we curled up in our PJs to fall asleep on the couch watching A Bug’s Life. Perfect.

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The Cutest Batkids Ever

27th October 2010

And they’re mine 🙂  We dressed up on Monday for a Girl Scout party, and so I snagged this picture.  Love the fact that Analise chose Batgirl over a TinkerBelle costume, so she could match her brother.

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I’ll call it a good day

26th October 2010

I let the kids pull games out of the closet this afternoon.  They played with them relatively peacefully, then put each game away before getting out another.  Yes, there was heavy coaxing from me, of course, but I’ll still call it a small victory.

I made these yummy Pizza Pinwheels for dinner, with great help from Analise.  These are a guaranteed hit with everyone in your family.  I used store bought pizza dough and spaghetti sauce, and I dipped mine in ranch.  Everyone liked them.  Well, truthfully, Josiah didn’t, but I think he’s being obstinate, so I’m refusing to admit that he didn’t like pizza in a roll.  Just imagine all the rationalizing I used to coax him to eat it.  I bet he’d eat it on a different day.  And really, if his super-picky sister eats 2, there’s no legitimate reason he can have for not liking it.  And he ate his cucumbers and tomatoes, so he did better than anyone else on the veggie front.  Another small victory.

Everyone took their own dishes to the kitchen.  Score one for mom… or rather, notch one off my to-do list.

Miracle of miracles… bathtime involved no crying or grumpiness.  In fact, in a stroke of independence, both kids determined to wash and rinse their own hair.  ?!? And we managed it without any tears from soap in the eyes.  Wow.  Another score for mom 🙂

And the kids were in bed without whining by 7:30.  Tired sweeties!  (Except the tornado sirens brought them out a couple minutes ago.  All’s quiet now, though.)

Life is good.  I’m a thankful mom tonight.  It’s the little things!

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Penelope’s Picnic by Josiah

7th October 2010

Super cute video of my sweet little guy singing/reading (though actually memorized) a song from school.  Turn the volume up for the beginning, as he’s super quiet.

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Photos of a good and busy life

22nd September 2010

Brian gently reminded me tonight that we have a blog 🙂 Life has just been chugging along, and I keep thinking “tomorrow…” about so many things I’ve got to do.

But all is well! Life is great, kids are happy, and I am just loving the season we’re in.

A few pics (and I have no idea what order they’ll post in from my iPhone)… Josiah crashed his bike at the bottom of a big hill, and took the worst of it on his face. Tough guy!

We had a brief visit from my cousin, Kimberley, her husband, Wes, and their sweet girls. The kids were thrilled to play together. Wish we weren’t so far apart!

Brian walked both kids to school after our company left. Josiah was in the backpack, and they looked so sweet together, in spite of the bright sun. I love my family!

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