The weekend’s almost here…
12th October 2006
Almost the weekend… we can’t wait. It’s been a good, busy week. Brian’s been doing some consulting work since July or August, and between that and school he’s BUSY and we’re looking forward to the weekend and our trip to South Carolina Sunday to Tuesday. Last night we had a combined home church dinner and fellowship with friends from our "former" home church of last year as well as our current home church. Good times!!
Not much blog-worthy going on lately. Analise is full of chatter, from the moment she wakes up (this morning, saying "when I grow up, I want to be a tea party". ?!?) to tucking her into bed ("I want Veggie Tales!" she says, requesting to fall asleep to her favorite worship CD). She loves singing, most particularly the old Amy Grant favorite, Thy Word, sung by Bob and Larry of Veggie Tales on their worship CD. She’s learning more and more of it. She and I are enjoying some "quiet time" together reading her Bible each afternoon. Yesterday, she said, "I’m reading my Bible tells me so." Yes, another favorite song lately is Jesus Loves Me, so she knows the Bible tells her so. She’s been attending the Missions Friends program for 2-3 year olds at Brian’s parents church on Wednesday evenings. Brian enjoys looking at our world map with her finding where the missionaries are from. Last night we asked her what she learned about, and it sounded like she said "believers in Africa". Wow! She told us about the mission-raries in Africa. We did find out, though, that she might have been saying "zebras" in Africa, since they talked about animals in Africa, too.
Life has just been boringly-busy. The closest thing to excitement yesterday happened just after Brian called to say he was coming home for lunch with us. Analise was asking to paint, which I’d promised her earlier. Josiah had just woken up and he was HUNGRY. So I stripped Analise to her diaper, put her in her high chair to paint, which she’s never done before. Thank goodness for Crayola washable paints:) The doorbell rang, and it was the piano tuners. Ag. I got them started, gave Analise a cup of water, paper and her paint, said a small prayer that she wouldn’t make too much of a mess, and went to feed Josiah. Well, she liked painting, but of course, she spilled the water and started wailing, not long after Josiah settled in to eat. Poor guy. I had to stop him, which makes him VERY mad, and go clean up the puddle from the high chair, get Analise a clean paper, and get her restarted. We managed to get everything attended to and get back to J’s lunch, and I think he’s forgiven me:) He rolled from his stomach to his back tonight! He’s very very close to rolling back-to-stomach but I think he knows that it’s not so fun on his belly, so there’s little motivation.
Tomorrow I’m going to try a new recipe for dinner – ravioli lasagna. I saw it somewhere, and can’t find the recipe exactly, but it’s just cooked cheese ravioli, layered in a baking dish with spaghetti sauce, ground seasoned beef and topped with cheese. Sounds good… If it is, I’ll post it here. It’s a carbo-loading dinner for Brian and his dad because they’ll be doing a big bike ride on Saturday – 100 miles for Brian and 25 for his dad.
Ok, it’s bedtime. Have a good Friday!
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