Weekend Recap
30th January 2006
Saturday Woes
Brian was at my disposal on Saturday morning to do a few household projects. Tops on my list was to install a set of ingenius child-locks (magnetic Tot Lok’s) on our drawers and cabinets. He set out to tackle one drawer, only to find (after nearly 2 hours!!) that it wouldn’t work on our drawers. Cabinets, probably yes. But by this time, the morning was shot, and the safest thing for our relationship was to put the child-proofing on the back burner:) Maybe next weekend we’ll try it on a cabinet. I’ll let you know if it eventually works…
While Brian was attempting his project, I decided to rearrange the cabinets. Analise loves to open the pantry and pull all kinds of food out, bringing them to me to convince me it’s snacktime. Sundried tomatoes, one? How about some dried french onion soup? Those are what she finds when her graham crackers, fruit snacks and cookies have already been removed and placed on the counter out of reach. In lieu of a child-lock on the pantry, I decided I’d put tupperware and plastic dishes in the pantry and the food in a higher cupboard. While she was napping, I got the job done and I was QUITE pleased. Analise, on the other hand, was QUITE pleased with the new arrangement as well. She’s found tupperware to be much more fun, and it’s ended up strewn all over the house. *SIGH* At least I can hope she’s learning something as she tries to match the lids to the right container:)

By the way, her new word of the week is “stuck!”, which she uses very appropriately. For example when she’s being held down for a diaper change (doesn’t that sound terrible? but that’s how it works when you’ve got a squirming toddler!), strapped into her car seat, buckled into her high chair, wedged between the rocking chair and the magazine rack. I was just remembering that she has understood the concept of being stuck for a while, probably… you can see why in this post from 11 months ago!
Sunday was a busy day, but I’ll try to pull together a blog about that tomorrow. Check back!
Monday Morning Wake Up
This morning, thanks to the wonderful babysitting of my mother-in-law, I got to attend my first prenatal aquatics class. It was HEAVENLY! I have to say, if there’s one piece of advice I can give a pregnant woman, it’s to spend some time in the pool. It’s such a relief to the constant strain on your joints. You feel weightless:) The class wasn’t extensive, just a gentle workout and stretching, and it felt so good… except that it got rained out, believe it or not. Though it was in indoor pool, we couldn’t be in the pool after we saw lightning outside. The pool is grounded, but if the electricity were to go out, the grounding would be lost and we’d be in danger. It was a bit disappointing to have to get out after only half an hour, but it’s probably a good thing… I am so worn out today! The stretching felt so good in the pool that I might have overdone it a bit… I’m awfully sore tonight! Good thing the next class isn’t until Friday. I’ll have to reign in my exuberance a bit then, and hopefully save myself some post-workout aches and pains.
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