Tuesday, Brian strapped Josiah into the backpack for his first day at “school”, the summer program at the preschool Analise has been going to. He was excited to head off on the walk through the woods with Daddy, as he’s seen Analise head off many times. It was a fun day for him!

Just 3 years ago, Brian walked Analise over for her first day of school… the week after Josiah was born. My… how time flies!

I walked into school to pick him up instead of driving through the carpool line. One of the first things he said to me was, “Mommy, I want to go swimming!”
“We’re not going swimming, sweetheart. Maybe this weekend at the bike race we’ll swim in a pool at the hotel.”
“I want to go swimming!”
“Josiah, we’re not going swimming today!”
“I want to go to carpool. I want to go swimming!”
I’m still chuckling… he refused my explanations that carpool doesn’t involve swimming, and I think when he finally goes to carpool, he’s going to be very disappointed!
Analise and I had a fun day together while Josiah was at school. We picked out birthday presents for a few friends, shopped for Josiah’s birthday next week, visited the library, and she got a pretty, stylish haircut. I enjoy being with my sweet girl… it’s so rare for the two of us to be alone together! She’s growing up to be quite the articulate, charming, chattery, beautiful young lady. Every night when I go in to check on them before I go to bed, I’m in awe at who my tiny little girl has grown into.
Can you tell June is a very sentimental month for me?? 5 years ago I was huge, achingly pregnant, and waiting for my little girl to arrive. It was a long, long month, and I honestly feel like I can remember every day of anticipation and her arduous arrival. 3 years ago, tonight even, I was again huge, achingly pregnant, and trying to savor the last days of one-on-one time with my sweet almost-2-year old girl, before Josiah’s impending arrival. I remember lots of sno-cone trips, Moe’s kids-eat-free dinners, long, painful nights on the couch with my aching back, and soaking my swollen feet in the wading pool while Analise splashed. And watermelon… lots of watermelon 🙂
I love June… such sweeet memories. Don’t even get me started on my memories of 6 years ago!! I’d dissolve into tears writing those!