As we were brushing teeth her this evening, Analise said, “My tooth hurts!” I cringed, thinking how ironic that she could be getting a cavity before Halloween even arrives, and asked her to show me which tooth. Lo and behold, her front bottom (right) tooth wiggled a lot, and the one next to it wiggled just a bit less!!!! Loose teeth!?! She, of course, is Very Very Excited. I, personally, am reeling a bit from approaching a milestone that for some reason I thought we were pretty far removed from.
This kindergarten year is just blowing my mind. She seems so tall, so mature, and so articulate. She’s become a lovely companion on the rare time that we go somewhere one-on-one (like the recent opportunity to see The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe at the Alabama Children’s Theatre). I love listening to her learn to read, spell things, sound out words and write sentences. I’m amazed at how quickly this new realm of communication is coming together for her. She is forever stapling papers together, drawing pictures and creating books, for which we often write out the story (though I’m sure we won’t need to do that for much longer!).
Each morning as I drop her off at school, I glance over my shoulder and see her loading her backpack onto her shoulder and walking so independently into school. She loves school, but walking in she has the tiniest bit of hesitation and nervousness, and it always tugs at my heart. But when Josiah and I walk over to pick her up, she bounces out, looking around for her 3rd grade friend who walks home with us, while her kindergarten classmate from the next street over waits for shyly for Analise (it’s a cute little friendship triangle). She’s full of stories and tidbits from the day, anxious to show me the newest book she’s brought home and read through her weekly sight words.
Not tonight or tomorrow or even the next day as she desperately hopes, but before I know it, there will be a big gap (thankfully in the bottom!) of her beautiful smile, and we’ll step past another milestone leaving babyhood behind.
(She asked Brian what the tooth fairy left him, and silly daddy said a bicycle! Thankfully, she was just as excited to hear that he’d gotten a shiny quarter…)
(One last thing… if you haven’t noticed the new feature in the photo header, click through to enjoy the site firsthand. The six photos at the top now randomly rotate when you refresh the page. And you can click on each photo to go to the post that it originally was published in. Of course, it’s heavy on the baby pictures, because we used to post every cute picture that we took, and there were a lot of them! I could sit and refresh the page for an hour to enjoy the photo memories! Hope you like it too!