The last preschool photo
22nd March 2011
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20th March 2011
Yesterday, I decided to take the weekend off from racing to enjoy the final bit of Spring Break. We had a great adventure out at Mount Cheaha. I biked from Birmingham to Cheaha, and Kristine drove the kids out there to meet me for a short hike, dinner, and then a drive home together.
Earlier in the week, we had ridden down to the La Crosse field to try out the balsa wood airplanes that Papa Dale had sent us. After the warning in the instruction manual, we were thinking that we might need to find an abandoned run-way. The plane did take off pretty fast. Check out the video below:
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14th March 2011
Friday night, Lech and Ava came to spend the night with us. Saturday night, Kristine took the kids over to spend the night with Lauren and Anna while Lennie and I traveled down to St Francisville, Louisiana to race Rouge Roubaix. Check out the pictures and videos on our blog (if you are reading on facebook).
First on the menu Saturday morning was a trip through the woods to the Rocky Ridge playground. Kristine got this great picture of Analise and Josiah with Lech and Ava.
Walking through the woods to the Rocky Ridge playground.
I said good-bye to the bunny before heading out on a seven hour drive deep into the bayou of Louisiana.
Saying good-bye to the bunny before heading out to Rouge Roubaix.
Anna and Josiah ice skating together.
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11th March 2011
Analise and Josiah had two friends from church (Lech and Eva) spend the night tonight. What fun adventures we had! We walked over through the woods to pick up Analise from school. The “river” formed by the run-off from the heavy rain a couple days ago was a big hit. Also, the beautiful spring flowers were blooming. And to top it all off, we got a surprise bunny rabbit to “bunnysit” for the weekend. Check out the photos and videos below – (if you are reading this on Facebook, then click here to view the video on our blog:
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