Let’s face it… if you’re a mother like I am, then you are anticipating Mother’s Day this weekend. And without a doubt, we deserve to be recognized and appreciated. But with 7 Mother’s Days behind me, I realized a few things this week that I’ve learned, and I share them now in the hopes that you won’t be disappointed with this special day.

First off, if your husband is anything like most men,realize that your husband can’t read your mind. Unless you’ve dropped some blatant reminders, he may not even realize that Mother’s Day is this weekend. So don’t just sit back and *hope* he has an amazing day planned. He needs your help. Figure out what would make you the happiest – within reason for him & the family budget – and gently tell him. Of course I’d love a weekend away, flowers & chocolate, a manicure/pedicure, a massage, and a maid to clean the house top to bottom, but that’s unrealistic. (Even any one of those seems too extravagant & expensive to me, right now!) But personally, starting the day with a few extra minutes of sleep & not having to worry about feeding anyone all day would be a blessing to me. Help a husband out and let him know. Or if you have something in mind that you’d like… send him a link! He surely wants to bless you for all you do, but if he’s like most of the men I know, he’s swamped with a busy life of his own. He’ll love you even more for not letting him forget 🙂
Second, settle your heart before God that He is well pleased with your service to your family. Sure the affirmation and praise of our family feels good. I promise I long to hear it as much as you do! But it is fleeting. And ultimately, our hearts will be most satisfied when we are at rest in the service we are giving to Him. He is glorified in every sacrificial moment we give as moms! He sees every sock you match, every dish you wash, every gentle word you speak to your children, every diaper you change. And He is most pleased when we make the hard choice to do these things joyfully. Even if they’re not all joyful actions (and believe me, not all mine are!), He alone knows the depths of our hearts and He alone can give you joy as a mother that will last beyond the chocolate & flowers. When you find quiet confidence in this, you will have gained the most priceless and lasting Mother’s Day gift possible.
Lastly, it may be one special day on a calendar, but we can celebrate our calling as moms every day. Last year, my Mother’s Day was spent at a bike race (the 3rd in 3 days). I tweeted this (thanks Timehop!):
“Yay! A portapotty!” What my kids expect on day 3 of a bike race wknd. Such troopers! How else would I want to spend Mother’s Day? #luckymom
And I remember thinking, I could have a bad attitude that this day isn’t about me. But the choice was mine, and so I chose to celebrate it as God gave it to me. It’s a good thing my heart was settled and at rest, because we ended the day in the emergency room after a bike crash, and believe me… Mother’s Day was forgotten by all. So I know that I’ll be rejoicing with any Mother’s Day that’s not spent at the hospital!
But moms… I am praying for you! YOU are amazing. Let God be your rest & your reward this weekend as you celebrate serving Him through the gifts He’s given you.