Family Alive

Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

Archive for January, 2012

Packers, cheese curds, and snow

1st January 2012

The weather forecast had called for a winter storm last night to bring 3-4″ of snow and only a 20% chance of snow today. Instead, we got 5-6″ of snow last night and then snow all day today bringing the total close to maybe 8″ of snow! It was really windy with strong winds and blizzard like wind gusts when I headed out on a short mountain bike ride to Becky’s to pick up cheese curds for the family to watch the end of the Packers game. After the game, we headed over to the sledding hill and got a few good runs in the snow which was packed down more now that a bunch of other kids had been sledding on it. Check out the photos and videos from the day below!

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New Year’s Eve snow update

1st January 2012

Kids are having a blast … check out the pics from playing in the snow this morning … but first a video of the snow plow clearing the street out front while Poppa Dale clears the driveway with a snowblower.

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New Year’s Eve 2011 snowstorm and dinner party

1st January 2012

If you are viewing this on Facebook, click on over to our blog to see the photos –

We had a great evening at a dinner party at the Spooner Market in downtown Spooner. During dinner, it started to snow, and there was more than an inch on the ground by the time we started to drive back to Shell Lake. More than four hours later, and it is still snowing. It looks like we have maybe five or six inches. Enjoy the pictures and videos of the snow below. Also, enjoy the video of Aunt Kat playing with Analise and Josiah at the Spooner outdoor ice skating rink.

If you are having trouble viewing the slideshow, then try viewing the photos here on flickr:

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