Happy Fall, Y’all!
15th October 2005

We had a great pumpkin hunt today.
Kristine, Analise, and I joined up with my parents on a
drive out into the Alabama countryside to find Baker
Farm. They provide quite the pumpkin patch experience!
The first fun stop was the Cotton Bounce, where Analise
got in a truckbed filled with cotton, fresh out of the
fields. She enjoyed it, but probably more due to all
the kids bouncing around her.

Then we visited the pony, though Analise
was too young for a ride. She was excited to sit for a
bit and pose for a picture! The pony looked just like
the rocking horse in her room, same color, same pattern.

We spent some time checking out the farm
animals – turkeys, ducks and ducklings, chicks and
chickens, bunnies, goats and calves. It was hard to
catch Analise smiles today, but we got a quick one while
she was pumpkin sliding!

The hay bale maze was very fun, and we
just barely made it through:) Good thing, since were
weren’t prepared to camp in the fields! Then Analise
found the kid-sized tractors, and she couldn’t get
enough of them. Another highlight of the farm was the
large cotton fields, which were ripe with blossomed
cotton bolls.

Then we met our friends Steven and
Medley for a hayride to the pumpkin patch. There were
plenty of “perfect” pumpkins, but we found the best:)
Now we’re ready for a carving adventure in 2 weeks.

We capped off the evening with a
campfire, freshly roasted hot dogs and s’mores. All in
all, it was a great way to celebrate fall!

October 15th, 2005 at 11:08 pm
You two seem to have a knack for getting lost in mazes. I seem to remember a maze at DeSoto Caverns….It was fun watching over Analise as Brian went to rescue Kristine, and managed to get lost in the process…You’ll have to work on your maze skills before I come down again. I’ll try and school you another time somewhere. Love you all
October 15th, 2005 at 11:40 pm
Love all the new pictures!!! There is a three mile corn labarynth we may check out near madison….we’ll let you know if we fare any better. Luckily Hal is just tall enough to look over the top if we get really stuck. Love you!
October 16th, 2005 at 4:00 pm
I’m glad to see you’re mixing up some of the pictures with grown-ups! Of course Analise is way too cute but it’s fun to see your faces, too!
October 17th, 2005 at 4:58 pm
i figured since kat and anna signed in with aunt status, i’d try that too 🙂 I’m loving the pictures. too cute!
We took some fall pics too this weekend. Scott turned 3 months on Friday. I’ll post them tomorrow – wanna show my mom first.
October 18th, 2005 at 4:05 pm
Kristine, you’re too close to that fire!!!