The First Bike Ride!
8th June 2006

As we were out splashing in the wading pool yesterday, our neighbors from across the street came over. It’s a single mom and her 5(?) year old daughter, and she was riding a little pink bike, which always sits in their front walkway. She said they’d just gotten her a newer, bigger bike, and wondered if we wanted this one for Analise. Woohoo! I’d been planning on getting her a tricycle for her birthday later this month, but this bike is PERFECT!

Brian was excited to give Analise her first ride yesterday afternoon. She could reach the pedals, and she just needs to learn how to pedal herself. We’ll be looking for a helmet soon. SHe didn’t want Brian helping her, but since she didn’t move without him, he had to stand behind her pushing. She’s quite the little independent lady. It was fun! He may upload a video later today…

If the little Toone-to-Be doesn’t arrive later today, tomorrow will be THE DAY. Keep your eyes on the blog or your email for an announcement. My mom arrives later today, and we’ll head to the hospital at 6:30am to be induced. The doctor was fairly certain it would go quickly, so maybe we’ll have a baby by early afternoon. Can’t wait to introduce him to the world!
June 8th, 2006 at 3:30 pm
LOVE the picture of BRIAN on Analise’s new bike. Of course, we think Analise fits much better (and she does look very happy to be just like her daddy), but you can’t beat the happy looking Brian on the little Analise bike!
June 8th, 2006 at 4:11 pm
Cute, how happy for Analise!
Trying to wait patiently for baby news,
June 8th, 2006 at 10:09 pm
hey guys–
good idea about the password protection! I will be eagerly checking my email tomorrow. Cant wait to meet the little guy.