A Valentine Smile for you
16th February 2006

We caught a picture of Analise at Grandma Beverly’s with her baby doll (the one that lives at Grandma’s) and her Valentine’s bears. We had a fun day, and the week hasn’t been nearly as eventful as Monday was. We’ve been busy,though, and I’m awfully tired today and spending most of the day resting and trying to pull my house back in order. Tuesday were were at church in the morning for our bible study, home for a nap, then back in the car to the grocery store. (Let me tell ya, grocercy shopping with a toddler and being pregnant is an exhausting adventure.) Then we met Brian at his parents for dinner. How romantic, huh? It was nice to not have to cook, though, and Beverly made a great dinner and a pretty pink heart layer cake. Yesterday, I had a doctor’s appointment in the early morning, then a couple friends came over for coffee and a bit of prayer which we do every week. We went out to lunch at my favorite place for chicken salad. THEN Analise and I braved a bit of real shopping, and checked out the consignment store nearby. SWEET DEALS as they are clearing out their old stuff for spring/summer. I got this nice purse (which can double as a diaper bag for short outings, at least until our little one arrives!), 2 maternity shirts and a pair of pants for $12!

‘Tis the season here in Birmingham for consignment sales – not at stores, but independent ones that run for a few days at a time. They are the source of GREAT DEALS. Last spring was my first experience with them, and I can still list off the things that we use every day that were good finds (high chair, jogging stroller, lightweight stroller just to name a few!). Anyway, this morning, Beverly and I checked out the first of the season and found some cute newborn baby boy things. I’m also getting a small pile of stuff ready to sell at a sale that happens in early March. You tag your stuff, they sell it, and you get 66% (at least at the sale I’m doing). As an added bonus for selling items, I get to shop early, before the mad rush on the first day. Well worth it:) Ebay would probably get a few more dollars for some things, but I’m not in the mood to hassle with taking pics, posting the items and then shipping them.
It’s a lovely day here. Analise is napping, and I should be for a few minutes, too, so that I gain a bit of energy for her afternoon romping. Maybe we’ll go outside… it’s getting a bit hard for me to keep her close by, though. She likes to run and explore, and my back is making it harder and harder to chase her down. Tonight, Brian’s parents are babysitting while we go out for a belated Valentine’s evening. We’re going to Samford’s Step Sing show, in which many of the student organizations/fraternities/sororities put together song and dance routines. It sounds silly, but they put a tremendous amount of work into it, and it’s a huge deal on campus. They’re great and often comical programs. We had a fun time last year, and a couple from church who went to Samford were excited to join us tonight. We’re going to have dinner at a Thai restaurant, my treat to Brian, since I don’t think I like Thai food. But he loves it, and maybe I’ll be surprised!
February 17th, 2006 at 2:39 pm
Thai food. Wow, you’re eating foods you don’t like and you’re prego?!? That is super good of you.