Pigtails and more pictures
4th May 2006

Finally my beautiful little girl’s hair is long enough for pigtails. Oh my goodness, I just can’t help grinning everytime I look at her – she’s so cute with the little curls bouncing around! I love it! It was hard to snag a picture of her, though. Here’s the two best!

Gardening with Bwaca
I can’t remember if I’ve posted this or not, but Analise has decided on names for Grandma – Bwaca – and Grandpa – Boppa. I tell ya, it doesn’t matter what you decide ahead of time you want them to be called… children are going to put their own names on them!
Anyway, here are a few cute pictures from Analise’s afternoon of gardening with Bwaca earlier this week. She just loves to be in the dirt doing exactly what Grandma does!

Back as a baby, we got a set of 3 bible CD’s as a gift for Analise. For some unknown reason, I’ve not opened it until now. I started playing the CD instead of my music, the TV or nothing, and Analise LOVES the music! Every time a song ends, she’ll say, “moh singing!”. I play it in the DVD player, so it plays through the TV. Now if we even turn on the TV, she’ll say, “singing??”. Last night we were in the car, playing one of her CDs on our way home from an evening out (to the sno-cone place, my newest addiction, and Walmart – how’s that for a night out?). She fell asleep while the CD was playing and we were driving home. We pulled into the garage, turned the music and car off, and suddenly we hear this groggy, “moh singing…” from the backseat. It was so funny – sound asleep and she still noticed it was over. If anyone has any unused kids’s music CD’s – even Veggie Tales! – and cares to send them our way, Analise would love it!
Baby Shower Moments
I was recounting to Brian a couple funny moments from the baby shower on Monday and thought I’d share them with you. First, I have to admit, I’ve been going to the women’s mission group for a year or more now, but I’m still terrible with names. It varies from month to month as to who is there and who isn’t, and seeing people only once a month or less doesn’t help me retain their names. So as I was opening gifts, I didn’t know who some… well, most of the gifts were from, and unfortunately, Beverly was not sitting next to me to save me. So I thought I’d ask the lady who was writing down what the gifts were/who they were from. I read the first card out loud – “Best wishes from Joyce Marcus” and I asked her who Joyce Marcus was. “That’s me,” was her reply. Oh, goodness, was I embarrassed. (Beverly did tell me that she’s not been there in several months, so it’s not surprising that I didn’t know her, but I still feel bad!
The other funny moment was when I pulled a towel/washcloth set out of a bag. I was holding it up for everyone, and a frame slide out from the folds of the towel. I showed it off, and said thank you, but noticed that it still had the tag on it, and wondered… After the shower, the lady who’d given me the towel came over sheepishly and said she was so embarrassed to tell me that she hadn’t meant for the frame to be in there. I had guessed that might be the case, and told her it was no big deal. She felt terrible, but her granddaughter had picked it out when they were shopping, and when they got home, they’d looked all over and couldn’t find it. So she really wanted to be able to give it to her.
Ok, we’re off to have a quiet day here, picking up a little around the house to get ready for home church, and maybe venturing out for a birthday gift that I need to pick up. Hope you’ve enjoyed my random chit-chat and photos!
May 4th, 2006 at 11:20 am
LOL, that was funny! See what happens after the second child. All the brain cells go to your gift from God! I don’t feel so bad now.
Love the photos and the comments. Take care and I wish you the best…..My angel is just precious!!!!! Just like mommy!!!!!
May 4th, 2006 at 11:26 am
The pigtails are cute, but I think I like her wild head of curls best. 🙂 I will have to decide when we see her IN PERSON!!!!
May 4th, 2006 at 12:12 pm
I love the photos, especially the one of Analise sucking her thumb. The gardeneing ones bring tears to my eyes. I wish I could be near to do things with her too.
May 5th, 2006 at 9:17 am
The pictures of Analise and her Grandma gardening are perfect! What a great mother’s day gift they could be!!! I bet her ‘Bwaca’ just loves them!
May 5th, 2006 at 9:18 am
Oh, I wanted to tell you….Ms Patty Cake has some GREAT cds! You can check her out online. Also, Boz the Bear – he is Jackson’s best friend! You can find Boz at bozthebear.com
May 9th, 2006 at 7:21 pm
No offense to Beverly, but Bweca reminds me of a character out of Star Wars. Just the name, not the person!