Four years ago today..
9th June 2010

Four years ago today, I became mom to a boy. I had no idea how messy/sweet/fun/loud/exciting life would be!
Josiah, you touch my heart in a way I never could have imagined. You’re still a sweet snuggler, loving to climb up, curl into my lap and lay your head on my chest, just like you did when you were tiny. You’re still holding my hand most days, and I’m clinging to the moments, trying to burn those soft little boy hands into my memory. You’re polite, quite a conversationalist, and full of curiosity. You’re an amazing little cyclist… just like your daddy and your sister. You love Analise so much, and you call her, “my friend, Analise”.
I know I rush you on our errands, in and out of the car, but I so enjoy your company. You’re fun to be with, and I love seeing the little guy you’re growing into. It’s been a big year for you… 2 days of preschool a week, potty-training, learning to ride a bike without training wheels, giving up your pacifiers, leaving your little bed for a BIG bunk bed, and the top bunk no less! I can’t believe you’re 4 already! It’s going to be another busy fun year!
June 9th, 2010 at 10:23 pm
Little Josiah. I remember that photo well. I left Minn./St. Paul on June 8 four years ago on my way to Birmingham to await your arrival. Oh no! When I went to change planes in ? the second flight was cancelled. So I had to stay overnight and wait until June 9 to get to Birmingham. Your Grandpa Tom picked me up at the airport and we HURRIED to the hospital! Your were born just a few minutes before I got there. I was so excited! I love babies, especially grand-babies 🙂 And your sister and parents were so excited too!