Has it really been 7 months?
31st January 2005

Isn’t it crazy that it’s almost February? My little bundle of joy turned 7 months old this weekend. I can’t believe it. It seems like yesterday that Brian and I were celebrating our first anniversary in the hospital as they were starting to induce me. Thirty-six hours later, Analise burst onto the scene and our lives have NEVER been the same… they’re so much more fun!
At the moment, she’s on her belly follwing her little musical crawl toy, drooling all over the blanket. It’s been a busy week here! A week and a half ago, she came down with a slight cold, and all semblance of “normal routine” (that we were still struggling to find since moving) dissolved. It turns out she has an ear infection, so we’ve been battling to get her to take her antibiotics twice per day. On top of that, the first 2 teeth (more like daggers!) made their appearance. So needless to say, Analise has not been sleeping well lately, and I’m hoping we can get back into some semblence of a routine soon. Right now, though, about all I can do is snuggle her in the midst of her fussiness, and rescue her when she ends up on her hands and knees in the corner of her crib in the middle of her nap. Poor girl doesn’t know what to do with her new mobility!
Anyway, here are a few new glimpses for those of you checking in to see her smiley face! Above, she’s backed herself under the coffee table. Backwards is still the fastest direction of travel, but forwards creeping/army crawling is improving! Below, is one of my new favorites:)

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