A picture of my recent days…
12th July 2006

This picture is actually from Monday, which was farily productive. But yesterday and today have been spent much like this photo. He loves to lay chest-to-chest, and today that seemed to be the only way he wants to sleep. So we go from eating, to burping on my shoulder, to setting him in the swing. Then he starts complaining, so I’ll hold him and within seconds of me holding him, he’ll be dozing off, so I’ll sit on the couch a while, letting him go to sleep. Then I’ll gently try to move him to the Boppy pillow or the swing again, but he hasn’t slept more than 45 minutes or so other than on my chest. And since we had our friends over for the weekly home church, he went from one set of arms to another, and slept the whole time on someone’s chest. It is sweet to hold him, though, and you can just feel how content he is to be so close to you, with his quiet little sleepy squeaks and sighs. It’s been hard to get anything done, but I am remembering with a tug at my heart these days will be short and before I know it I’ll be wishing he was small enough to snuggle with and quiet enough to hold as he’s falling asleep.
A few more pictures of life in the Toone household… First, a quiet Josiah in the mirror just before his bath. In the next photo, Analise saw Josiah on his belly on the bed and decided they would be turtles together. Then she wanted to line all the animals up on their bellies to be turtles with Josiah. Fourth, Analise with all her friends on the bed, and then Josiah posing with all the friends on the bed. Finally, one more glimpse of our handsome little man enjoying his swing. I think he’s just recently noticed the fish circling around above him (on the mobile)!

July 13th, 2006 at 10:39 am
Analise and her animals reminds me of myself when I was little. I used to line up my stuffed animals under the covers with me when I was going to bed, and turn them upside down so that they could sleep (since they couldn’t close their eyes). I would have loved to have been there to hear her explain that they were turtles!!
July 13th, 2006 at 7:17 pm
apparently, tigger gets no love ๐
July 15th, 2006 at 11:46 am
LOL … can’t believe you saw that. Right now it’s Eore thats not getting any love. Analise is sleeping with all the other stuffed animals at night, but she kicked Eore out of bed! Corrie, I’m sure Analise will do lots of fun thins like that while y’all are here. Today, she grabbed her purse, put on MY shoes and walked all the way across the living room telling us first that she was going to work. Then she changed her mind and told us she was going to Grandma’s house.
July 18th, 2006 at 1:20 pm
Love the photos of the kids. Analise looks so grown up in her big girl bed! Looks like Josiah’s neck muscles are getting a workout! Kristine, you look great. ๐