More sledding videos and pics, ice skating and family, too
28th December 2010
Analise and Josiah had such a blast this morning sledding. I posted one quick video earlier today, but here are a few more really good videos of them having fun. We went sledding for almost two and a half hours without them even once complaining about the cold. They were having so much fun!
Analise super far sled almost to the football field video:
Josiah and Analise on the big hill video:
Two person sled launching on the big jump (at the very end of the video):
Josiah before his first trip down the side hill
Josiah legs up in the air on a run down the big hill
Josiah legs STILL up in the air on a run down the big hill
Analise flying down the big hill
After lunch, we packed up and headed even farther into the northwoods to a rural retreat center where we are having a mini-vacation tonight. Kristine and her dad went skiing for over an hour on the trails while the kids played legos inside. I biked up from Shell Lake to join everyone shortly before dinner. Then after a fancy dinner, we went ice skating – Josiah’s first time on skates.
Ice skating on the basketball court video:
Analise and Kristine at dinner
Ice skating on the basketball court
Snuggling on the couch in the cabin after a long day of playing
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