Crazy week!
2nd August 2006

Sorry for the silence this week! It feels like I’ve been battling all week to keep life – and my increasingly messier house – from overtaking me:) I just skimmed an interesting article on Christianity Today’s website called 10 Things You Should Do Before Going to Heaven”. Interesting thoughts and I thought I’d put it here for ya’ll to enjoy, if you’d like.
I’ve got sloppy joes in the slow cooker for home church tonight, two laundry baskets overflowing here in the living room that need attention, and thankfully, two little ones anpping (though Josiah’s squeaking like he’s going to wake up hungry any minute). Here’s 2 quick photos of Josiah… above, his first smiles from last week (he’s looking at the rainbow donkey). Hope to check back by the end of the week – Brian’s been wanting to share some pictures and fun stories about a Build-a-Bear birthday party Analise went to this past weekend. Later!

August 2nd, 2006 at 3:57 pm
It has been a crazy week. I was sick over the weekend, but am feeling better now. Kristine has done an amazing job keeping our house liveable with me down for the count over the weekend (I didn’t even bike at all!). I’ll post the pictures and video from the party probably sometime tomorrow.