Music in the house
11th August 2006

Sorry to all those who checked in and found this post blank! But I started to post some big exciting news that happened on Brian’s birthday. Our new-old baby grand piano was delivered! It’s a crazy story, but here’s the details…

I grew up playing the piano, but haven’t had one since leaving Shell Lake. And I’ve always dreamed of having a grand piano. A local piano store was having a sale, and when I looked at their inventory online, I noticed that they had several uprights in our price range (less than $1000) but also a baby grand for $1490. I wasn’t expecting much when I went in, but I found it to be in pretty good condition with a good sound. It is a Standard, built in 1930 (so very nearly an antique), in dark mahogany wood. It needs some good rubbing with polish, and it has some nicks, but overall, it was in very good condition, especially since no one at our house is a concert pianist (yet!). I’m not a good person with big decisions, but after a quick call to Brian, I bought it… less than 15 minutes after seeing it.

It was tuned on Wednesday before delivery on Thursday, and the salesman called me to confirm delivery. He was excited to tell us that when they opened it for tuning, they found it had new strings and hammers, making it in much better shape than they had thought. Yeah! We made room in our front living room – which looks GREAT now that it has some furniture and a centerpiece! – for delivery on Thursday. It sounds GREAT, and everyone has enjoyed playing it.

I’m so very excited to have a piano in the house – and a grand, like I’ve always dreamed! So on top of all the “deals” of the piano, they called today to tell me that the bench they’d delivered with it wasn’t right… so they brought a brand new, leather, cushioned bench with the $145 price tag still on it. How much better can it get? I’m so excited! Here are a few photos:

I’m so tired right now, but we’re having a wonderful time with Steve and Corrie. The highlight of today was the zoo, and the most exciting moment was Analise feeding the giraffe! Corrie’s taking lots of GREAT pictures, and here’s one of the giraffe experience and a couple from home (the top picture is hers, too!).

August 12th, 2006 at 10:59 pm
Analise was soooo cute with the giraffes! It was like she would have squealed with excitement if she could have. She would grab a giraffe pellet from the zookeeper with a small smile on her face, and as the giraffe leaned down her face would light up more and more.
We’ve been having tons of fun out here as well!!
August 13th, 2006 at 7:46 pm
Analise looks right at home on the piano bench although, the pedals are a bit of a stretch. I’m sure she will be a pianist, like her Mom, Dad and Uncle Matthew (who is an organist). I’m so excited for all of you.
Wow has Josiah changed! What a smile!
Tell Analise I love giraffes too. They are my favorite animals. (It must run in the family.) I ‘ve never gotten to feed one, though.