Lord, let the morning…
16th December 2006

This parenting thing is hard. Yesterday was a rough day. I think it was just the culmination of a long, long week for me. Analise has been sick, I’m fighting a cold, Josiah has been sick, Brian’s been swamped with work. Analise has been grumpy, and it’s made me grumpy. We’ve fought little power battles every day, numerous times, and I’m feeling like some days are definitely the "terrible 2’s". I’m pretty stir-crazy from being cooped up with the 2 kiddos all week. I broke down last night in tears, just from being overwhelmed and frustrated with the day and the week in general.
Last night while I was sleeping, though, I found this verse in my mind, "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love…" (Psalm 143:8). It touched me deeply, and I woke up with a lighter spirit. Today has been a much better day, especially with Analise. She’s been obedient and sweet, mostly. We painted, played outside, did a craft. She took her medicine on her own, willingly, without a fight (major BIG DEAL). Tonight is the end of 4 consecutive "dry" days, too! WOOHOO! I’m very proud of her.
Anyway, it’s been a better day, thankfully. It’s so incredibly easy to let the enemy find a corner in our mind to fill us with anxieties, frustrations, self-pities, etc. And before you know it, they’ve completely encompassed your mind, and all you can think about is "poor me". That’s where I was last night. But here’s my prayer tonight:
Lord, satisfy us in the morning with your unfailling love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all of our days. (Psalm 90:14)
I’ll leave you with a couple more cute pictures of Analise – including one smile! She’d gotten a new set of bows, and she let me put them all in her hair. When I was putting the last one (#6) in, she said, "It’s getting crowded!" Haha! Then she went back to her book. I love my beautiful little bookworm.

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