Meet Quincy…
27th April 2007
And now for some lighter Friday reading and a few smiles from my cuties!

No, she’s not supposed to be standing on the chair. But she was so smiley and pretty!
I so rarely catch such a sweet picture of her.
Over our Easter Indiana trip, I borrowed a Disney’s Little Einstiens DVD from the library for Analise to enjoy. We don’t have the Disney channel, so it was new and very exciting for her. Of course, Little Einsteins are her new favorite show. We ended up buying the Legend of the Golden Pyramid (and 2 other episodes) after we got back. This is actually one of my favorite kids shows. They highlight real art by a famous artist and use a piece of well-known music by a famous composer in each episode. There’s a lot of listening and learning about music, hearing the groups of insturments, and recognizing similar phrases of each song. And in each adventure, they go fun places, like San Francisco, Venice and Egypt, and they use realistic images and learn a little about the place their visiting. Very fun.
The Little Einsteins are Annie, Quincy, Leo and June. June is a ballet dancer, always spinning and twirling, and Analise has just entered a ballet phase. She’s always wanting to spin and twirl, especially when she has as skirt or dress on, or a twirly nightgown. She’s learned a song called, "The Bear who Loves Ballet", and she sings it at the top of her lungs, dancing around on her toes. It’s so very cute. I’m actually hoping maybe this summer we can find a fun ballet or gymnastics class.
It seems that the Little Einsteins have moved in. I came into Analise’s room, and she was talking to Quincy.
"Quincy, come cheer for Daddy with me! Go, Brian!"
"Where’s Quincy?" I asked.
"Right here," she said, pointing to Josiah.
"Oh, Josiah is Quincy."
"No, he’s not. He’s right here!", she corrected, pointing to a spot just behind Josiah.
"Hi Quincy!" I said.
"Ok, Quincy, let’s go," she said moving on to something else to play with her new friend.
We’re in the familiy room right now, and I just asked her where Quincy was. "In my bedroom." So cute.

Josiah’s really turning into a redhead! He’s such a handsome little man…
that’s what Analise always says, because it’s what I’ve been saying since he was born:)
Josiah’s napping. I just realized he’s outgrown the sweet stage of falling asleep on my chest. I’m a bit sad, as I sure loved him snuggling up to me. It is a good thing, though, as he much prefers to put himself to sleep in his quiet room. But we had a short snuggle before he went to bed. I can’t believe how fast they’re growing up! Josiah’s first birthday is just around the corner, June 9th. He’ll be 11 months old in just over a week. And Analise’s 3rd birthday is at the end of June. I’m planning a big Dora-fest:) You’ll hear more soon!

The plan: Distract Josiah with the puzzle box, so he doesn’t decide he wants to eat the pieces, while Analise works hard to put it together!
The outcome: He was only entertained for about 30 seconds, not quite long enough for Analise to finish.

April 27th, 2007 at 12:58 pm
Analise’s hair is getting so long and Josiah is looking more and more like Brian!! They just keep getting more precious every time I see new pictures! š
April 27th, 2007 at 3:13 pm
awesome pics … i believe somewhere on my father’s side of the family is Irish so maybe that’s where the red hair comes from in Josiah.