A Heffalump!
3rd May 2007
Analise came home from school with a lump on her forehead, which her teacher told me in a note was from falling while she was running in the classroom. It’s not bruised yet, just a big lump in the middle of her forehead.
I was talking to Brian on the phone and told him she had a "heck of a lump" on her forehead. A few minutes later, I asked how her head was, and she said to me, "I have a Heffalump on my forehead!" (If you don’t know what a Heffalump is, it’s the main character of the Pooh Heffalump movie, which we just watched recently.) Now she keeps talking about her Heffalump.

Lovely quiet day here. My house was in relatively good order because we hosted home church here last night. Only one waking last night, so I woke in a better mood. The day always looks better when I’ve not been up/down all night long. Brian took Analise to school, and Josiah went down for an early nap. I got a long quiet shower, some time to read my Bible, then I settled down to sew and watch Rachael Ray. A lovely entire hour of just sitting. Brian was out running errands and came back in time to have lunch with me, which was a nice treat. This afternoon has been restful and quiet, too.
Dinner is teriyaki salmon with wild rice and broccoli. Quick and easy. I think I’m going to go sew some more! Yeah – tomorrrow’s Friday!
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