Lots of stuff!
24th May 2005

Ok, I’m a little behind! Sorry about that. I just reveled in a leisurely weekend, and this week has started out busy! Today was our first visit to the zoo. Unfortunately, we forgot the battery to the camera. Analise enjoyed the kids more than the animals:) We’ll be back – we bought a year membership.
Brian’s wrapped up the semester at Samford, so I’ll have him around here more often. He’s got a few committments at Samford, but he can set his own schedule and take time off as needed, since his faculty appointment is technically only Aug-May. It’s nice to have him around and have our life settled down a bit!
A few other random things from the past week…
We all managed to get over our flu bug. Brian was VERY dehydrated, and he felt the effects of it all weekend. Unfortunately, after our home church gathering on Wednesday night just before we got sick, 4 other people got sick on Thursday and Friday! Those little bugs sure can travel…
You look beautiful tonight
The little things make me love my husband so much. After a long day of feeling tired and trying to get the house in order after being sick, Analise and I picked Brian up from Samford and went out for dinner. Over dinner, he said, “You really look beautiful tonight”. Aw. My heart just melted. My hair’s frizzy, I’m wearing the same unexciting clothes because nothing fits my soft little post-baby belly, and I’ve just felt so NOT beautiful lately. I love him:)
Analise had her first dip in the backyard baby pool this weekend (above). There was only a tiny bit of water, but she loved splashing. I think she was impressed with taking a bath in the backyard! (Ok, a moment of truth about this picture: Analise has quite a gap between her front teeth. I looked it up online, and it’s very normal – and good – at this age, as it means there’s plenty of room for her other teeth to come in. But it’s so noticable, especially in this picture. I feel terribly to think this, but she looks a bit like a little country bumpkin! I could use some comforting comments that she’s still just as cute as ever!)
Since Analise was about 6 months old, we’ve been talking about using sign language. It’s been shown recently that children as young as 6 months can communicate with signs before they have the capacity for spoken language. Because she’s always interested in ceiling fans, we’ve only been diligent enough to use the sign for “fan” – which involves pointing upward, and moving your finger in a circle, like the ceiling fan. Sunday she put her hand up and moved it in a definite circle while looking at the fan! We were very impressed:) We’ve been motivated to use more signs in our communication with her. If you’re interested, here’s a great link to an online sign language dictionary that includes video clips of each sign: Born 2 Sign
Not Quite a Step…
She’s so close… She wants us to let her walk (while holding her hands) EVERYWHERE we go, and she’ll barely hold on at times. You can even see her thinking about taking a step as she stands. Any day now… I promise, you’ll hear about it!
I wish…
…my daughter knew how to put herself to sleep like she did in the early days before she learned how to roll over, sit up, stand up and wait for me at the side of the crib. She fights sleep so hard these days, and yet she’s so tired (which makes ME so tired!). *SIGH*
…my daughter knew how look at books one at a time, and put them back before getting out a new one:). She’s quite the little bookworm, but she likes to take all the books off the shelf and sit among them while picking them out from around her on the floor.
May 25th, 2005 at 8:49 am
Steve was just telling a friend we haven’t seen for a long time HOW cute Analise is! And the picture above proves it!
May 25th, 2005 at 1:31 pm
Didn’t notice the gap, but I am a country bumkin of sorts so that’s normal for ’round here 🙂
May 25th, 2005 at 5:05 pm
I still have a space between my teeth. I think it gives a person character. Analise is beautiful space or no space, plus it’ll be less noticable once her adult teeth come in.