A glimpse into our Chattanooga weekend…
25th August 2008
Just one quick look at our busy weekend in Chattanooga, from the Tennessee Aquarium on Saturday morning:

Brian’s race went well, and I’m sure all the details will be on his blog. The trip up was so easy… the kids had played at a friend’s house on Friday morning, and so they were ready for a long car nap all the way up to Chattanooga on Friday afternoon. We had a great time with our friends, the Moons, who joined us for the race/fun family weekend. Analise and Josiah were thrilled to have Lauren and Anna in the room right next door, available for playing all weekend long. Kim and I took the kids to the aquarium on Saturday morning, while the guys raced. (We would have gone, but it wasn’t a spectator-friendly race at all.) Big long comfy naps on Saturday afternoon, a quick swim in the pool, and then we all went to the top of a mountain reservoir for the time trial. It was so beautiful up there, and the kids were great cheerers!We ordered take-out pizza and Mediterranean for dinner (wow – it was so good!) in our hotel room, and it was as relaxing of an evening as you can have in the middle of 3 bike races with kids up past their bedtime 🙂 They actually got into their pjs to snuggle up on the beds for a faux slumber party. Analise was so sad when we called the end of the party to head to our own beds. And in spite of not having a pack-and-play crib for Josiah, where he normally sleeps pretty well, we made him a great little bed on the floor in the corner and he slept wonderfully. It could have been the pitch black hotel room, the white noise of the a/c, or maybe that they were to bed by about 10pm both nights, but they slept until almost 8 both days, which is great sleep for all of us.
Today was a leisurely start since the race wasn’t until 2:15, and then we played at the race course (well, actually a parking garage since it was trying to rain!), for a couple hours before cheering. Josiah had his usual share of bumps, bruises and scrape, including a big purple one on his head and pinching his finger in the car door handle. My poor guy. Will he ever learn? Still, it was a great weekend! We always love cheering for Daddy!
August 25th, 2008 at 11:06 pm
Josiah looks HUGE in that photo! We can’t believe how quickly he is growing up.