18th September 2008
Hey everyone, here’s pictures from the Pepper Place race this past weekend. My little bike racers did awesome! (Also, Kristine posted a new post after this one, so don’t forget to read that one too!)
Analise and Josiah after the 2008 Pepper Place 6 and under kids race.
Analise (and the hedgehog in the basket) warming up before the race.
Analise, Josiah, and Kristine at the start line
Analise took off and rode the fastest she has ever in a race. She actually ended up passing a few of those kids on her right!
Josiah did well, too, with a little help from Kristine. He was actually pedaling! Usually we have a hard time just getting him to keep his feet on the pedals while Kristine pushes.
The podium: Analise, Josiah, and the hedgehog!
This entry was posted on Thursday, September 18th, 2008 at 8:50 am and is filed under Cycling.
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September 18th, 2008 at 10:03 am
They were so cute! Josiah obviously doesn’t have his daddy’s cycling legs yet, bc he got off his trike halfway down the block and ran! Haha… Brian always says, “Why would someone run when they could ride a bike?” Maybe when Josiah’s bike has a bigger wheel he’ll feel like it’s worth the work to pedal rather than to run 🙂