Blog Envy, California Highlights, and the Richest Blessing
17th August 2005
(**note: I started this blog on Wednesday of last week, just after we returned… I thought I’d better finish it before I posted something else!)

I’ve got so much I want to post in this blog. Honestly, I’ve got a “to blog” list in a text file with at least 10 items on it. Most recently, I’m anxious to share about our wonderful visit to CA. But right now, I’ve got serious blog envy. Our friend, Corrie, has a sleek, smooth website that she keeps a journal on. The interface for her to post a blog – including pics – is so easy! For me to post to the Toone Times, it’s quite a bit of work. I have to type out all the code and picture links, and it just takes awhile. It’s easy enough to just post a text blog, but pictures make it about twice the time effort. (Hence, why this blog didn’t get finished last week!) Anyway, all that is just so that you appreciate my blogs even more…
Our recent trip to California was wonderful. I think that flying out there (on frequent flier tickets – woohoo!) made a huge difference, as we were really able to just relax and hang out. The Biggs’ and Haffly’s were great hosts, and we got to appreciate Corrie’s awesome cooking all weeklong. A true vacation for me!
Some highlights:
- My super traveler – Though she came down with an ear infection the night before we flew out, Analise was fine with some tylenol and slept for most of all 4 flights. She sprawled out across Brian and my laps. It’s hard to hold a sleeping baby for that long, but it’s sure easier than dealing with an unhappy one! Did I mention she’s been to 24 states in her short 13 month life?
- An awesome hiking trip to Muir Woods – Steve and Corrie chauffered us down to the coast, and we had a great time hiking. See my 100th post about our trip here. We followed it up with a visit to the fabulous farmer’s market in Davis for dinner of a steak sandwich from the Buckhorn – MY FAVORITE farmer’s market food:)
- Office space – Thursday was lunch at my old office, the UCDMC Emergency Medicine department (By the way, I redesigned this website!). Analise was a bit grumpy due to no morning nap and the ear infection. But it was fun to visit with my old friends, Jennifer, Maria and Alida!
- Trader Joe’s – Two trips to my favorite grocery store in the ENTIRE world, Trader Joe’s. If you’ve got one near you, you gotta check it out. Particularly, the chocolate peanut butter pretzels, pineapple salsa, pita chips, Two Buck Chuck wine (Charles Shaw) and Brian’s new favorite, the triple mocha espresso.
- Come on over – A potluck party at the Biggs’ where we caught up with everyone who could stop by. That was so nice to have everyone come to us! We closed out the evening with a rousing game of charades. Can you imagine acting out “Nanoelectromechanics in Engineering and Biology”, “Mein Kampf” or “The Latin Vulgate”? Neither can I… the ladies got creamed. We were up against some serious players!
- Apples to Apples – A fun game that Anna and Hal introduced us to and we couldn’t resist getting for the Biggs household to enjoy. Very fun!
- Catching up – Lunch(es) with my old co-workers, Molly and April. I’ve missed them!
- Church at First Baptist of Davis – It was wonderful to worship in our old church and to see many friends. EVERYONE was amazed at how big Analise has gotten, and there were plenty of comments on how cute she is:) She’s such a charmer…
- A Bozo reunion – Every Thursday night for the 1 1/2 years we were in California was a standing date for home group with our fellow South Davis “Bozos”. What a treat to come back to our first home group experience. These are our “2nd family”, and it was like coming home. I’m honestly a bit choked up writing this. We love you guys! (sidenote: if you’ve never experience a home group fellowship through church, I highly recommend it. There’s absolutely no comparing it once you’ve been a part of it!)
- Sacramento Rivercats baseball game – Our last evening in California, we had a fun time with the Steve and Corrie and Steve’s parents. Tickets and a chocolate malt cup were courtesy of Steve’s dad (THANKS!), and Analise enjoyed the game – particularly when she got to sit in her own seat. Brian was on alert as we were sitting in prime foul ball territory. (THANKS also to Corrie for taking care of the “other” ticket!)

That’s about it from our adventure in California. We love our Californa friends… Life in Alabama is great, and we’re making awesome new friends here, but our friends in California shared a special time in our lives – newly married, newly pregnant, newly parents. You can’t help but bond with the people around you when you go through all that in just over a year!
One last thought, even though very few people are probably still reading. We’re so blessed with friendships. We’ve visited so many friends (and family) this summer, and I’ve been literally moved to tears several times thinking of the amazing people who share our lives. If we got to visit you this summer, I’m so glad! If you weren’t among those we had the privilege of visiting, we miss you! You are all counted among our richest blessings. We consider ourselves so rich in relationships – I don’t think there’s much more valuable on this earth! Thank you for being a part of our lives.
Better sign off before I get weepy thinking about all y’all… G’night!
August 17th, 2005 at 1:06 am
Too lazy to post a caption in the text above. The pictures are courtesy of Corrie – our favorite Analise-photographter:) The top one is the best of a series after Analise had just woken up – don’t you just love the tousled hair? She was quite engrossed with the Little People car, and the sunlight was perfect. Corrie knows how to catch good Analise moments! The lower picture was from a tired moment looking up from her book at the baseball game.
August 17th, 2005 at 1:00 pm
Yay, what a long blog! And after seeing the many steps you need to take to post it, I’m quite impressed!
I’m hoping to get to posting the rest of the pictures and video from your visit soon. 🙂 Let’s see how my motivation stays up! (They’re all resized… I just need to enter them into the site now!)
It was GREAT to see you guys and see how big Analise is now! Thanks for making it all the way back out here.