Family Alive

Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

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Who am I, anyway?

28th April 2009

On the way from the grocery store, I was checking to see what Josiah wanted for lunch.

“Would you like a roly-poly with cucumbers?”

“No, I want a roly poly with cucumbers AND a hot dog AND chicken fingers.”

I chuckled and asked, “Who do you think I am?”, thinking, possibly a short-order cook.

“You’re my MOMMY!” he said.

Yes. Yes, indeed I am. And I’m darn lucky.

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A couple more Easter pictures

18th April 2009

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My Birthday Unwrapped

15th April 2009


My birthday last week was awesome.  Turning 33 isn’t bad at all.  In fact, I would hardly notice I’m any older if it weren’t for my “young” husband reminding me that I’m older… at least until August when he joins me at 33!

It was quite the technological birthday… I got tons and tons of greetings on Facebook (gotta love the birthday reminders they give you!), a couple birthday texts, and a techy gift I’ll tell more about later.  I got some gorgeous flowers (bottom photo) from my Mom, Dad and Kat.


Brian and I went out to Up The Creek for a yummy fish dinner, and we came back to my long-anticipated birthday cake (recipe here) with the kids and his parents.  Wednesday evening, Lindsay brought me a piece of tiramisu cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory.  YUM!  The best gift, though, was the necklace I’ve REALLY wanted from The Vintage Pearl.  It is just as gorgeous as I’d hoped it would be!  Thank you, Brian!! (And I took this picture with the manual setting on my camera… pretty impressed with myself!)


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Day out with Thomas 2009

13th April 2009

Just like last year, we had so much fun at the Day Out with Thomas at the Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum.  We didn’t buy tickets to ride the train, but there are lots of free things to do… a petting zoo, bouncy house, big bouncy slide, train tables and coloring tables, stories in a train car, balloon art, the small train, and of course, the Thomas store.j-thomas




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Kids, bikes and a glorious spring day!

13th April 2009

On the start line with the big kids!

On the start line with the big kids!

Grandma was so patient and supervised the endless riding...

Grandma was so patient and supervised the endless riding...

My kids are so fast their helmets are always askew!

My kids are so fast their helmets are always askew!

With his sleek sunglasses and his concentrated look, he is a mini-Brian.

With his sleek sunglasses and his concentrated look, he is a mini-Brian.




He rode so hard he wore a hole in his tire, and he was determined he could fix it himself!

He rode so hard he wore a hole in his tire, and he was determined he could fix it himself!

Heather made the girls flower necklaces!

Heather made the girls flower necklaces!



Lauren and Anna's daddy, Lennie, in the winning break of his race.

Lauren and Anna's daddy, Lennie, in the winning break of his race.

Lauren jumping for joy as her daddy, Lennie, wins the race!

Lauren jumping for joy as her daddy, Lennie, wins the race!

The story of Brian's race... attack, get pulled back, attack again, get pulled back.  He was a marked man.

The story of Brian's race... attack, get pulled back, attack again, get pulled back. He was a marked man.

Posted in Cycling, Parenting | No Comments »

He is Risen! Easter 2009

12th April 2009

What a glorious, joyous day!  I’m overwhelmed today at the gift of new life Christ has given me.  Worship at Clearwater was AWESOME, and I am so thankful that God loves us so extravagantly that He would bridge the chasm between us with his perfect Son.  I hope all of you have had a beautiful day celebrating our Risen Lord!


Josiah loved our egg hunt in Grandma's backyard!

Josiah loved our egg hunt in Grandma's backyard!


I attempted to get a standing photo, but it turned into who-can knock-the-other-over-with-a-sweet-hug.  All my other photos have someone falling over :)

I attempted to get a standing photo, but it turned into who-can knock-the-other-over-with-a-sweet-hug. All my other photos have someone falling over 🙂

We played Egg Bowling for Mommy... Brian won :)

We played Egg Bowling for Mommy... Brian won 🙂






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Fun Spring Day with the Moons

10th April 2009

A couple weeks ago, we spent one of our beautiful Spring Break days with the Moons.  As usual, the kiddos had a wonderful time together, and Kim and I had a fun relaxing day sharing mom-duties.

Anna and Kim

Anna and Kim

Lauren and Analise driving around in the Jeep.

Lauren and Analise driving around in the Jeep.

Josiah and Lauren driving around.  He kept saying, "Watch out! Watch out!"

Josiah and Lauren driving around. He kept saying, "Watch out! Watch out!"

Pretty spring white flowers in our yard.

Pretty spring white flowers in our yard.


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Some thoughts to tide you over until I get back with more…

8th April 2009

Ok, I’ve got a text file here with all kinds of tidbits I wanted to post, as well as pictures that I want to post.  But I stumbled across this beautiful post about Palm Sunday, my most favorite day in the church calendar.

Palm Sunday. The Triumphal Entry. Palm branch waving, I cry from my heart Hosanna! Lord, Save Me!

I am desperate for a Savior. I am desperate to be freed from my oppressor. I am ready to be lifted from the mirey clay and to have my feet set upon that solid Rock. No more slipping, sliding, stumbling. Just firm and steady ground beneath my feet.

Hosanna! I cry. But it is not easy, this process.

Click on over to read the rest…

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A field trip to Krispy Kreme

30th March 2009

(Once again, I cannot figure out how to center photos in the post.  Arg.)

A couple Fridays ago, I noticed on Katy’s Facebook page that she was thinking of taking her boys, Eli and Walker on a field trip to Krispy Kreme.  Of course, Josiah and I needed to meet them for the fun, only because KK is ust 5 minutes from our house.  Nothing to do with the fact that there would be donuts involved, and I had a coupon for free coffee, but purely for the educational benefit of seeing how donuts are made 🙂

Mesmerized by the process... or more likely, the rows and rows of donuts going under the waterfall of glaze.

Mesmerized by the process... or more likely, the rows and rows of donuts going under the waterfall of glaze.

Donuts with sprinkles, free coffee for moms, and complimentary hats complete the fun.

Donuts with sprinkles, free coffee for moms, and complimentary hats complete the fun.

Eli obliging me for a photo before he digs in.

Eli obliging me for a photo before he digs in.

Walker was pleased with the chocolate and sprinkles.

Walker was pleased with the chocolate and sprinkles.

My happy little guy.  Believe me, the hat didn't stay on more than a few seconds after the photo.

My happy little guy. Believe me, the hat didn't stay on more than a few seconds after the photo.

Donut making is a complicated process, you know.  I’m sure we’ll do this highly educational field trip often!

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The family of Speed

23rd March 2009

From last weekend’s bike race in Guntersville. Both kids rode and rode and rode while we cheered Brian on to his 2nd place finish.

My little speed princess!

My little speed princess!

Josiah likes to say "speed!" when he's riding.  He's so funny to watch!

Josiah likes to say "speed!" when he's riding. He's so funny to watch!

So concentrated!

So concentrated!

Look at that serious face!

Look at that serious face!

One of my all-time favorite photos...

One of my all-time favorite photos...

Brian attacking the break ahead of the field early in the race.

Brian attacking the break ahead of the field early in the race.

Wonder where Josiah gets his concentrated look from?

Wonder where Josiah gets his concentrated look from?

Brian leading the break as it's been trimmed down to just three.

Brian leading the break as it's been trimmed down to just three.

The rest of the field, a couple minutes behind Brian's lead breakaway.

The rest of the field, a couple minutes behind Brian's lead breakaway.

Brian's teammate, Sammy, winning the field sprint for 3rd place.

Brian's teammate, Sammy, winning the field sprint for 3rd place.


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