Family Alive

Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

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Quick Wednesday update…

7th January 2009

Ok, just as I sent a mass email to check in here, Brian falls asleep instead of resizing and posting pictures like he’s planned.  In his defense, it was a long, hot day, and I did have a nap with the kids while he worked in the office.  I’ll just post a quick update, and warn you that my “e” key is NOT working, so imagine it if it’s missing!

Today we traveled with our friends Mike & Maria Saeli who work with Food for the Hungry International to a village called El Limonal where they were having a bi-weekly gathering of a children’s health program. El Limonal is said to be in the “death triangle”, between the dump, the water treatment plant and the cemetery. It’s very poor, and the kids are a great risk for malnutrition. If a family is in the program, the children are weighed and the weight is tracked, and they are required to keep a small garden. If they meet the attendance and garden requirements, the mothers are given a packet of food. Mike taught about integrity and honesty in our relationships with others and God before the weigh-in. It was a great glimpse of daily life in the community, as well as seeing a good example of the best way to intervene and grow a community… through teaching, requirements for assistance rather than handouts, and reaching both the physical and spiritual side of families and the community.  Our kiddos were amazing today, and they had lots of fun playing with their new Nicaraguan friends.  Everyone loves my blonde-haird blue-eyed boy!  He definitely stands out in a crowd 🙂

This afternoon, I also had a wonderful time of reconnecting with a dear friend of mine, Xiomara Perez, a beautiful young woman here who is directing a preschool, among many other things. She’s grown so much in grace and confidence since I was last here, and it was just what my heart need to sit and chat and pray together.

Tomorrow, we’re all going with Andrew of Nuevas Esperanzas to La Palmerita, a village of coffee refugees that I spent a lot of time at. I taught a community health class there in 2002, and I’m very excited to see all the developments since I was last there. It’s kind of a long trip, and it will be a hot, dusty day for the whole family. We’d love your prayers for grace and that God would direct our day. I look forward to updating you tomorrow… and I won’t let Brian fall asleep before posting photos 🙂

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Nicaragua Pictures, Part III

6th January 2009

This is our third posting with pictures, but before I get to the pictures – let me give a brief rundown of the day

5:15AM – Josiah wakes up unexpectedly and pretty wide awake, but we manage to convince him to lay back down and sleep a little longer.

5:45AM – Josiah is up for good at about the time Analise comes trotting over to our room.

6:30AM – We wake up after letting the kids watch the Spanish version of Playhouse Disney for 45 minutes while we get a few much needed minutes of sleep.

7:20AM – We make our way to the patio area downstairs where our breakfast of toast, jelly, and a small fruit plate is prepared. Everyone gathers around the small table and enjoy the breakfast.

7:45AM – Kristine and Abigail take the kids to the Nicaraguan preschool where they will be leading a craft today. (The craft was a hit, and the kids had fun today. Josiah played most of the time with a little Nicaraguan boy who was maybe just a little bit older than him).

8:00AM – I leave for a bike ride towards Chinandega to get close-up pictures of Vulcan Casitas and Vulcan San Cristobal.

10:15AM – I arrive back from a longer than expected ride a bit sun-burned in the face but exhilirated at having been able to do a 35 mile ride and getting good pictures (see below).

10:30AM – I arrive at Nuevas Esperanzas to work in the office today on the website. I work on getting a demo site up to show Andrew the capabilities of WordPress and find out if it is something he wants to switch to for the management of the Nuevas Esperanzas website.

12:00PM – Kristine and Abigail arrive with the kids who are happy to show off their craft and eat lunch.

1:15PM – I walk everyone back to the hotel for the kids naptime during the afternoon siesta and then head back to Nuevas Esperanzas via “La Union” – the local supermercardo owned by Walmart Centroamerica and the coffee shop to get a few groceries and a $1 Americano espresso drink.

3:45PM – Kristine arrives back at Nuevas Esperanzas with the kids for an afternoon playdate with Anna and Emily. We get a picture of them playing dress-up with the princess clothes that we brought.

4:45PM – I finish my website work for the day and begin working on a broken laptop which has intermittent display problem where the screen remains entirely blank from boot-up. We pretty much completely disassemble the laptop to remove the part necessary to access the video cable connector between the motherboard and the display. We disconnect and reconnect it in the hope that this fixes the problem. After reassembling everything, we boot up the laptop and it works perfectly – but because the problem is intermittent, this is no guarantee that the problem is actually fixed. Let’s cross our fingers!

6:00PM – I head over to “Pizza Hot” complete with motorcycle delivery vehicles and join Kristine, Abigail, and the kids for dinner (they had left early). The restaurant is very cool in that it has an outdoor playground in the back  part of the restaurant next to covered patio seating. The kids eat a little bit and then play with other kids already there.

7:00PM – Bucket baths for Analise and Josiah – we have a shower but with really low water pressure the kids are better off climbing into the buckets provided and filling up the bucket with water. Analise just has to stand in it, but Josiah can squat down so that only his head is above the water — which is cold water too – the hot water that we have is heated by an electrical mechanism in the shower head (I bet that sounds pretty safe, huh) and it would take too long to fill up the bucket with it so we use cold water from the lower spicket.

8:00PM – I sit down to write this blog – as a gecko just runs by my computer!!!

Ok – that was our day – here are the pictures!

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More pictures and an update from Nicaragua

5th January 2009

excited to have a "nica" bike

excited to have a "nica" bike

Bicycling is a major form of transportation here in Nicaragua. And it is not just one person on a bike – you can see an entire family on a bike with the dad pedaling, the mom, sitting side saddle on the frame holding a toddler and then an older child sitting behind the dad or on the handlebars. Couples go on dates with the man pedaling and the woman sitting side saddle on the frame. I was lucky enough to experience this when I was last here in 2003 on the way back from a baseball game with one of Kristine’s English as a second language students. I straddled the frame while my friend pedaled the bike. He rode me out to the street where I could pick up a taxi the rest of the way home.Cars are expensive here especially with very large import taxes so the majority of Nicaraguans either walk, take public transportation (which is quite extensive with everything from express buses, local “chicken” buses also called “la bomba”, camionettas, in addition to many taxis. Not to be left out, horses, and horse drawn carts are popular too. We saw a guy wearing an Ironman finisher t-shirt driving a horse-drawn cart on our first day in Leon!

On this visit I wanted to pick up a bike to use to help with errands around town to save some time as the long walks can get tedious as well as having a cheap form of transportation to explore the town, make it to meetings without having to pay for a taxi each time. This used bike cost me $40, but the first ride only lasted 1.5 miles with the left pedal arm falling off the bike. I was able to ride back to the “mercado” where I bought the bike pedaling with one leg and they were able to fix it free of charge. Hopefully my next rides will be more successful!

typical morning routine

typical morning routine

Here is our typical morning routine at the hotel. Analise is sleeping in Abigail’s room, but Analise will wake up with the sunrise (about 6AM) and then make her way across the hall to our room by herself! She’ll knock on the door, we let her in, and she crawls into bed with us. In the process of all this, she will of course wake up Josiah so we’ll put in a movie on our DVD player and then Kristine and I can catch a few more minutes of “half-sleep” while the kids either snooze (Analise) or giggle and watch the movie (Josiah). Our kids are not ones to tire very easily of the same movie, so we just keep Wall-E handy or leave it in the DVD player and they have watched it just about every morning since we have been here!

wall painting - literally

wall painting - literally

Here is another picture from our hotel – this is of the “paintings” on the wall which are actually paintings literally painted on the wall and then a frame placed on the spot where the painting has been made on the wall. These are very well done, and this one show Vulcan Concepcion which is a volcano that is well over 5000′ tall forming an island in Lake Nicaragua.

vulcan casitas with mudslide

vulcan casitas with mudslide

Speaking of volcanoes, this picture is of Vulcan Casitas – the volcano that caused so much misery during Huricane Mitch when the caldera filled with water (70+ inches of rain fell in some parts of Nicaragua) and then part of the caldera wall collapsed causing a massive mudslide that completely erased some villages killing over 2000 people. Much of the work of Nuevas Esperanzas centers around villages on Volcanoes like these. I have edited the photo to remove some of the haze so you can see where the landslide is still visible 10 years after the hurricane hit in 1998. This is not a particularly good angle to see the mudslide because it is partially obscured by a bulge in the mountain. There is a better view from just north of Leon and I am hoping to ride out there and get some good pictures on Tuesday.

vulcan san cristobal with smoke

vulcan san cristobal with smoke

The volcano shown here is called Vulcan San Cristobal, and it is the highest volcano in Nicaragua topping out at just under 6000′. It is adjacent to the Casitas volcano and it is quite active. The white “cloud” on top of the volcano is smoke coming from the crater.

josiah, always full of energy, running on the beach

josiah, always full of energy, running on the beach

Leon is only about 10 miles from the Pacific Ocean. The one and only road to the beach is currently undergoing “improvements” and has been completely removed so that only the dirt/rock underneath is left. Road reconstruction is in progress and within the next year, the road will be excellent and hopefully increase the amount of tourism at the local beach towns of Poneloya and Las Pilatas. Yesterday afternoon we had some down time so we thought it would be the best time to go to the beach since our upcoming week is going to be pretty packed.

wave jumping under close supervision

wave jumping under close supervision

Josiah was so full of energy – running non-stop except to engage in “wave-jumping” with Analise. The undertow here on the Pacific coast is VERY strong and it is very dangerous unless you are a good swimmer. We kept a close eye on the kids but there was one or two times when the undertow grabbed them and the only thing keeping them from sweeping out to sea was my firm grip on Josiah and Abigail’s firm grip on Analise. We didn’t see any other kids go anywhere near the water. There were a few people surfing and a few adults swimming and jumping in the waves – but no kids. The other
thing about the beach here is the large tides. When we arrived, the tide was starting to come in. We put our stuff way back from the edge of the water, but as the tide came in Kristine suddenly realized that our stuff might not be far enough back. I ran over dragging Analise who didn’t want to go and literally as I was standing over our stuff getting ready to bend down to pick it up (it was still dry at this point), a large wave came in and swept everything out from under me. I was furious with Analise because if she had not been fussing and carrying on and stopping and saying she didn’t want to go, then I would have been able to get there and get our stuff. This sorta ruined a perfect afternoon at the beach because now everything was wet and covered in sand. Fortunately though I was able to recover everything and none of it got swept out to sea and our camera amazingly stayed dry.

looking for marine life in the tidepools

looking for marine life in the tidepools

One of the fun things that we did was climb onto a rock outcropping and look for crabs hanging onto the sides of the rocks as well as investigating all the tidepools on top of the rocks.

the culry hair beach twins

the culry hair beach twins

Josiah and I look like twins in this picture with our long, curly hair!

pacific ocean sunset with splash

pacific ocean sunset with splash

Finally, the volcanic ash and smoke in the air makes Nicaraguan sunsets spectacular every day. I managed to catch a picture of the sun setting with a wave splashing into a rock outcropping.

This week is going to start out in the office with Nuevas Esperanzas for me and Kristine. We will participate in a morning team meeting, and then I will spend the afternoon working on a map for the Nuevas Esperanzas website and looking at their network connection. The kids, meanwhile, are going to go with Abigail from 8-11 to the Nicaraguan preschool that Jane and Andrew’s kids attend. Hopefully they will pick up some Spanish, learn how to play with kids from a different culture, and continue to grow their friendship with Anna and Emily.

Our Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday plans are up in the air, and they may depend on what is decided during the team meeting tomorrow. We would like to visit La Palmerita and one of these days might be the day for that.

Wednesday – we may be able to go part of the day with Mike and Maria to see one of their projects with Food for the Hungry.

Saturday – in the afternoon, we will take a taxi or “microbus” back to Managua to be ready for our early morning flight back home on Sunday.

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Nica Notes (Sunday Jan 4th)

4th January 2009

We’re doing well here in Nicaragua.  It’s quite an adventure experiencing this place that’s so dear to my heart with the little ones.  Actually, it’s hard and very different.  But it is so wonderful to be here, and we’ve had some great experiences so far, and I know there are many more to come this next week.

Friday, we traveled with Andrew and Jane Longley and their 2 kids the same age as ours, the directors of Nuevas Esperanzas, up the main well-paved road, onto a dirt road, then onto a road that I’d barely consider a road with our 4 wheel drive.  Then we reached a rural farm where we parked the car I was driving.  We piled into the Land Cruiser truck, 3 in the front, and 3 adults/3 kids in the back to drive up a barely passable rocky ravine, that is actually called a road to take us further up the side of the volcano Telica.  Nuevas Esperanzas has worked with a small primitive rural village up on the volcano to help them build rainwater collection tanks, because they don’t have access to drinking water on top of the volcano.  These people normally travel 2 hours down the rocky “road” on horseback to fill 2-30gallon jugs and bring them back for their water use, or the women trek down the mountain to do their laundry in the springs.  Amazing.
We bumped and bounced up the “road” that Nuevas Esperanzas is helping them “pave”, which means hand-mixing cement (after hauling up huge bags of cement and sand on horseback) to put between the big rocks of the road.  It’s already made a huge difference for these people in being able to get the beans and avocados they grow down to the main road to be taken somewhere to sell.  They used to joked that they grew avocados, but by the time they reached the bottom they were guacamole!   They’ve done several sections of road already, but they are hoping to find the funding to do several more in the future.

When got as far as we could go (though Andrew said he could drive the rest of the way, but we’d never make it in the back!), we piled out of the truck and hiked 1.5 miles up the volcano to see the village and have lunch in the school.  It was quite a huge undertaking with the kids, but they did really well.  The people are so wonderful, and it’s amazing to see the tank and to know what a difference it’s made.  Nuevas Esperanzas is hoping to find the funding to do many more smaller tanks at various houses, letting the locals do the construction themselves now that they’ve completed the large one at the school themselves.  It’s amazing what we take for granted when we turn on the faucet to rinse an apple or brush our teeth.

Ok, enough chatter.  The kiddos are getting restless with their movie, so I’d better sign off.  Please keep us in your prayers, especially for grace and patience with each other and the kids as we try to dive in and experience this beautiful place.  Thank you so much for sharing in our journey back here!

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Nicaragua FAQs

4th January 2009

Why Nicaragua?
That’s a long story.  Back in 1999, I (Kristine) came to Nicaragua with Mercy Ships to do relief work after Hurricane Mitch devastated the area.  There had been a huge mudslide on the side of the volcano Casitas that wiped out many villages, killed more than 1,000, and left thousands more homeless.  It was a life-changing experience for me, and I left after 5 months determined to come back and work here long-term.  In Sept. 2001, I returned to work with Mercy Ships  again.  This time, I worked as an admin asst for our team, discipled a group of young girls, taught English, developed a community health education course that I taught, among many other things.  We worked extensively with a group of “refugees” from the coffee crisis (when the coffee prices worldwide plummeted, many workers in the coffee plantations worked and worked for the promise of pay but never received it) who had settled on a piece of land the government had promised them called La Palmerita.  They were in desperate, miserable circumstances when we found them.  It was a long, hard process to help them go from stick coverings to plastic houses, and to get them basic things like food, water, and sanitation.  Brian came to visit me several times while we were dating, and he grew to love Nicaragua as much as I.  I loved my time in Nicaragua, and when I left in 2003 to get married, both Brian and I looked forward to when we could come back.

Where is it and what is it like?
Nicaragua is in Central America, actually due south of Alabama, between Costa Rica and Hondruas.  It’s “summer” here, which means its the dry season.  It won’t rain more than a few sparse showers for several months.  It’s hot, dry and dusty.  The landscape is dramatic, though, with a line of 9 volcanos stretching the length of the country.

Volcanos?!?  Are they active?  Aren’t you worried they will erupt?
Yes, they are actually mostly active, and you can see clouds of smoke/steam above many of them.  I’m not too worried that they’ll erupt because none did during the 2 years I was here.  If any do erupt, it would most likely be ash and smoke, and it’s more of a nuisance than a danger.

Where are you staying and what will it be like?
Our hotel, the Hotel San Juan de Leon is very comfortable.  Brian and I have one room with Josiah in a portable crib we borrowed from the Longleys.  Analise and Abigail are sharing another room.  We’ve both got a bathroom with hot water (though in the heat here, hot showers aren’t a necessity).  Interestingly, the water is heated in the shower head.  Another odd note, you can throw toilet paper in the toilet here because it could clog the systems.  It took a couple times to the bathroom to remember that!

We’ve got air conditioners (well, we do now… we just switched rooms yesterday because ours hadn’t been working) and industrial strength fans that keep us pretty cool.  There’s internet in our hotel (though there wasn’t the first couple days, and the wireless isn’t working much to our frustration.  This, though, is not surprising in Nicaragua.)

We get a nice simple breakfast of fresh fruit (watermelon, papaya, pineapple and banana), fresh juice, toast with butter and jam, coffee and milk.  Then we’re on our own for lunch.  We’ve just found a great little cafeteria with delicous Nicaragua food for about $2 a plate that will be our frequent choice.  There are other options, including Tip-Top, a fast-food chicken place, that the kids and I will do today for lunch.  There’s also a well-stocked grocery store nearby, and we can use the kitchen here, if we need to.

The streets are busy, the sidewalks are narrow and crowded with little stands selling all variety of things.  Bikes, mopeds, trucks and taxis go cruising by and fly around the corners, so you’ve got to be alert.  We’re walking nearly everywhere here in town, and we’ve learned how to navigate our little stroller over the potholes in the sidewalk, up and down the steep curbs and over the cobble stones.  If we need to take a taxi, it’s 75cents each person here in town, so that’s an easy, cheap option if we need it.

What will you be doing there?
Well, when we conceived this trip, we had lots of things we wanted to do and be a part of. But as we progressed with the planning, we really just felt God leading us to lay down our expectations and come to be used in whatever way He wanted to use us.  We’ve got to be especially flexible since we’ve got the kids with us.  We want to visit old friends, see the work of Nuevas Esperanzas, just be open to whatever might come together for us to do.  Brian’s already helping out with computers, we’re going to be visiting a well-child clinic with friends of ours who work for Food for the Hungry International, and the kids and I are looking forward to visiting Anna and Emily Longley’s preschool this next week.  It can be a little tricky to find people here, so I’m praying God would really direct our connections this next week.

Why are you taking the kids?
Honestly, we never even considered NOT taking the kids.  They are a part of who we are.  We want missions and God’s great big world to be something our kids grow up knowing firsthand.  Yes, they are young, and I’m not sure how much they’ll remember, but it is an experience we wanted them to be a part of.  Now that we’re here, it is hard at times.  Whatever the challenges of dealing with kids in your own comfortable surroundings, they are multiplied in the heat, dust, crowds, foreign language, bumpy roads, small hotel rooms, etc.  They have done really well, though, and it’s so fun to share this place with them.  Analise is learning little bits of functional spanish, and Josiah is so cute pointing things out.  “Wook!  A Mic-a-wog-wa dump truck!”  (A Nicaragua dump truck)

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Pictures from Nicaragua

3rd January 2009

I’ll let the pictures tell the story with just a few short captions — hopefully either I or Kristine can update this with more details tomorrow!

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Bienvenidos a Nicaragua!

1st January 2009

This is just a quick post with a very quick summary of our trip so far. We flew into Managua on Monday, met Jane, Andrew, Anna, and Emily at the airport, rented a car, and drove through Managua making a quick stop at a grocery store and then dinner overlooking Laguna de Masaya – the southern end of a large active volcano. Then we made it down to Laguna de Apoyo where we spent the first two nights hanging out and catching up with Jane and Andrew.

Yesterday, we returned our rental car (quite an adventure) and met our taxi driver, Enrique, that Jane arranged for us to take us from Managua to Leon. We had a great drive and talk with Enrique who was in one of the villages affected by Hurricane Mitch – his whole village was wiped out during the hurricane but amazingly everyone in his family survived. When Kristine was first here in 1998, she worked in medical clinics assisting people from the very same villages – possibly even Enrique or his family!

Arriving in Leon we made it to our hotel – Hotel San Juan (see my previous post), got settled into our place, found out the wireless internet wasn’t working, wandered down to the Big Foot hostel with free wireless, and then got ready for the amazing fiesta that is New Year’s Eve in Nicaragua. Fireworks, food, and dancing done – we made it back to our hotel and a good (albeit short) night’s sleep later marked the end of our first day in Leon.

Tomorrow we head to the village of El Ojochal near San Jacinto high up on Vulcan (Volcano) Telica. We may need to hike about 2km to make it there. I’ll update later with pictures!

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Packing, packing

27th December 2008

It’s not hard to pack for a tropical climate when it’s 75 degrees outside!  This is crazy… it’s not supposed to be this warm in December, even in Alabama.  Either way, we’re making good progress on getting packed for our trip.  My dear friend Kim invited the kids over to play this morning, which gave me 4+ golden ALONE hours to get things done. The piles are all made, and now it’s just a matter of making them fit into the suitcases/duffels.  We’ve got lots of stuff we’re taking down for friends, and we’re trying to pack relatively light for ourselves.  That means 5 total outfits for each of us, and I’m planning on using the hotel laundry service frequently.

The kids have snazzy new rolling backpacks – Princess and Cars – that will be packed well with stuff to do.  I’ve got busy kids, and though we’re packing lightly, I want to have plenty of things to keep them entertained, more in our hotel than anywhere else.  Analise got a new pair of headphones (pink, of course!), which she tested out on my iPod yesterday.  She wore them all afternoon, carrying the iPod, saying “Rock on, dude”.  She was too funny. Her friend Lauren came over for dinner, and I had to tell her that it wasn’t nice to wear headphones when you have a guest!

Tomorrow we’ll be at early church, possibly a trip to Target for some last minute things, the lunch at Brian’s parents.   Hopefully, there will be some good naptime, as we’re leaving bright and early (BEFORE it’s bright and early!) at 3am for our 8am flight out of Atlanta.  Abigail’s parents were happy to take us so they could see her off.  We’re thankful for the ride!

We’re also trying to get our computer set up for Skype.  If anyone has any tips/info for us, drop us an email or leave us a comment.  Hope this will be a cheap easy way for us and Abigail to talk to people at home.

If you don’t hear from us before we go, look forward to an update midweek.  Pray much grace for us as we travel!

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An early Christmas wrap-up

25th December 2008

Analise and her Santa cookies

What a difference a year makes!  Last year, we were writing Santa a letter asking him to please just leave the gifts on the porch because Analise was scared of him coming in.  This year, Analise was more than happy to decorate a plate and pick out cookies for him.

Our Santa plate, 2008

I’ve had several posts written in my head, and I’d been wanting to post some things all day, but now that I’m all Santa-ed out, I just want to share a glimpse of our Christmas Eve.

One of Josiah's favorite gifts, his Thomas plate and bowl
One of Josiah’s favorite gifts, his Thomas plate and bowl

Analise and her Ariel paint-by-number
Analise and her Ariel paint-by-number

Her favorite gift, a princess wedding gown and crown-veil (from Josiah)
Her favorite gift, a princess wedding gown and crown-veil (from Josiah)

My little sweeties looked so good!
My little sweeties looked so good!

My new favorite photo
My new favorite photo

Christmas Eve 2008
Christmas Eve 2008

a rare moment of sibling giggling in the Nica rocking chair

A few Christmas memories… Again, Santa came by the house on a fire truck.  Very exciting.  And loud.  Analise was hesitant with the sirens so she stayed on the porch, but Josiah and I went out and waved at him up close.   At church, Josiah blew my candle out, and asked the usher, “I need anover one.”  He proceeded to blow it out 3 more times during ‘O Come all Ye Faithful’ while Brian tried to keep Analise from tipping her hair into the flame.  The service ended with the kids worship team leading the singing of ‘Joy to the World’ and both kids wanted to go up front and dance.  They were so cute.  And both of them were singing ‘Joy to the World’ all evening, even Josiah with the 2 lines he (sort-of) knew, and he mumbled through humming the rest of the song.

It’s been a bit of a disjointed Christmas for me.  I’ve been really busy getting us prepared for our trip to Nicaragua.  I have had lots of Tastefully Simple business going on.  I feel like I wasn’t ready after all the traveling of Thanksgiving, and I’ve been coughing and kind of sick all month.  We haven’t done all the traditions I would have liked, but I remind myself the kids don’t know all the things I think we *have* to do.  They love everything we do.  We made cookies, wrapped presents, shopped for others, listened to Christmas music, looked at lights, went on a hayride an live nativity, saw Santa at the airport, had a birthday party for Jesus.  And this post on one of my blogs says exactly how I feel.  But tonight is the Holy Night.  Our Savior has come… and we can celebrate him all year long.   Glory to God for that!

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Hotel San Juan de León

20th December 2008

We have booked our hotel reservations for our trip to Nicaragua! Like any country, the people of Nicaragua have a wide range of incomes – from very poor to very rich.  The town where we are staying, León, is the second largest city in the country. One of the unique things about León is the incredible mix of people living there. In 1998, Hurricane Mitch devastated the country with flooding – particularly villages on the volcanoes north of León:

In all, Hurricane Mitch caused at least 3,800 fatalities in Nicaragua, of which more than 2,000 were killed in the towns of El Provenir and Rolando Rodriguez from the landslide at the Casitas volcano. The mudslide buried at least four villages completely in several feet of mud. Throughout the entire country, the hurricane left between 500,000 and 800,000 homeless. In all, damage in Nicaragua is estimated at around $1 billion (1998 USD, $1.17 billion 2006 USD) —

After the hurricane, a number of refugee camps were setup on the outskirts of León for people who had survived the mudslides. These villages eventually developed into permanent neighborhoods. These are the people that Kristine primarily worked with when she was living in Nicaragua from 2001-2003.

Nuevas Esperanzas
The work of Nuevas Esperanzas extends far beyond the city of León to villages near the volcanoes and on into the mountains near Malpaisillo focusing on everything from rainwater harvesting to housing projects for rural impoverished communities as well as displaced coffee workers. León serves as the headquarters and “base camp” for all of these projects. Check out the map of Nicaragua I created with various locations relevant to our current and past trips highlighted:

Nicaragua color shaded relief map

Color shaded relief map of Nicaragua (Click the map to open a larger image in a new window)

  1. León, Nicaragua – This is where Nuevas Esperanzas is located.
  2. Telica – Several rainwater projects are in the area surrounding the volcano.
  3. La Palmerita – Nuevas Esperanzas has worked to help establish permanent housing for displaced coffee workers.
  4. Cerró Negro – Kristine and I climbed the summit of this volcano with Andrew (director of Nuevas Esperanzas) in 2002. This volcano, like all of the others on the western coast of Nicaragua, is quite active. The last major eruption was in 1999. Check out the photos from recent eruptions.
  5. Matagalpa and Jinotega – This area is the original home for a number of the displaced coffee workers currently living in La Palmerita.
  6. Highest point in Nicaragua – 6,557 feet on the border of Honduras
  7. Managua – This is the capital of Nicaragua. The airport is located on the east side of the town (approximately underneath the number 7 on the map).
  8. Laguna de Apoyo – We will be spending our first two nights in Nicaragua with Jane and Andrew a short drive from the airport
  9. San Juan del Sur – This is a popular fishing village and vacation area in the far south of the country near the border of Costa Rica. Kristine and I enjoyed a visit here in 2002 during the Christmas holidays. (We won’t be going there on our trip this time, but I thought I would include it on the map as it highlights the parts of the country that we have visited in the past. Also, notice how major roads are only found on the western side of the country because of tropical rain forests (largest tropical rain forests north of the Amazon) and river deltas.)

Hotel San Juan de León
Finally, with that background in mind, now I’m ready to tell you about our hotel! First, a screen capture from the hotel website:

Hotel San Juan de Leon contact info

Hotel San Juan de Leon contact info

The hotel mailing address is on the left. One of the random things about León that I find fascinating is that mailing addresses are basically equivalent to abbreviated driving directions! For example, the hotel address is interpreted as “The north side of the San Jaun park”. Kristine’s address used to be “parque san juan, media cuadra abajo” which means 1/2 block below San Juan park! The righthand side of the screenshot shows the hotel telephone numbers: (505) is the country code, 311 is the prefix for León, and then the last four digits uniquely identify the phone number. 175,000 people and only 10,000 phone numbers.

The hotel has an amazing website. The rooms look great, and there is wireless Internet at the hotel. For one of the trips that I took to Nicaragua to visit Kristine back in 2002, very limited broadband Internet had just arrived in León and I helped hook up the computers at the Mercy Ships headquarters to a router to share the Internet connection. Previously, they had to take turns using a dial-up connection that was pay by the minute for the phone call to establish and use the Internet connection. Wireless Internet available at a hotel seems to be a big step up.

Finally, here is a map of León showing our hotel in proximity to Nuevas Esperanzas and other points of interest in town.

Map of León, showing points of interest

Map of León, showing points of interest

I modified the map on the hotel website to add the present location of Nuevas Esperanzas and the old location of Mercy Ships where Kristine used to live and work.

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