Family Alive

Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

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Monday night Date-night – woohoo!

15th January 2007

Our date night tonight almost didn’t happen. After dinner tonight, we loaded the kiddos up into the car to get ourselves some coffee for our in-house date night, regularly scheduled for Monday evenings, 9-10pm, after the little ones are asleep. Usually, one of us goes out for Starbucks. But tonight, we had a 50% coupon from our Entertainment Book (a Christmas present from Brian’s dad) for a new place, so we headed there. When we got to where we thought it was, there was nothing there! I swear the last time I drove by, Bean’s Coffeehouse was there, in a little corner spot in a strip mall. Bummer!

Starbucks was just down the road, so Brian dropped me off at Walgreens where I was going to get a package of diapers with a coupon, using my Walgreens gift card. I got my diapers, got to the cashier only to find out that my wallet wasn’t in my purse. Bummer again!

When Brian arrived, my wallet wasn’t in the car either, so since I didn’t have my Walgreens gift card, I didn’t get the diapers. As I took a sip of my decaf hazelnut latte, Brian related his Starbucks experience. When he got to the drive-up window to pay, he found his Starbucks gift card wasn’t in his wallet. Bummer again. He had to pay with "real" money.

Gotta go, though, as my date night has commenced. Brian’s setting up a game of Othello for us, and our Starbucks have been reheated for enjoying together.

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I keep trying to do Christmas cards…

15th January 2007

I’m just not meant to do Christmas cards. It’s unbelievable all the things that have happened to make it not happen thus far.

First, we got our family pictures taken at the beginning of NOVEMBER, in plenty of time to get them ready to send out. The photo place gave us 6 photo cards, but they were $1 each to order more, and I was getting a big enough package to get a disc with the images. I figured I’d make our own at one of the many places that does that. When I got home, I found the images were not high-resolution, essentially not good enough quality to print out at 4×6. ARG.

I played around with them in Photoshop and created a nice collage of the family picture and the individual pictures of Analise and Josiah smiling. Printed out, it looked great, so I planned to upload it to Sam’s Club and pick up the prints before we headed Up North for Christmas. After uploading as I was placing my order, I came to the page where you had to agree that you weren’t using copyrighted material. Stumped again, needing to see what my morally-upright husband thought of this (he’s got strong feelings about copyright issues).

He and I both felt that we’d bought the disc, and I was using the low-res images, and never were we told that we couldn’t use these images in any way. The photo place never says anything about copyright, and so we both felt it was ok for us to use them, especially since they were the low-res images we’d paid for. But I know for a fact that Wal-Mart and Sam’s are very strict about not printing anything that looks even remotely professional, so I didn’t get them printed before we left or even while we were gone.

Finally Brian took the file to CVS to print on their kiosk, and we got the printed 4×6 pictures late last week – and they look very very nice. I was excited to put them in photo-frame Christmas cards that Brian’s mom had given us. I’d been planning to use these all along.

I just sat down to put them in the photo frame and found that the frame area is cut to fit either a 3 1/2×5" picture or a 4×6" picture. Unfortunately, that means that a good part of my picture – notably the kids – is hidden behind the frame. Stumped again!! AG!

Thankfully, in writing this, I just remembered that I bought some beautiful Christmas cards on deep discount last week, intending to use them next year, so I may use those instead. Maybe you’ll see one in your mailbox before March…

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In the spirit of weddings…

13th January 2007

We had a lovely night out tonight. A friend of ours from Clearwater Community Church, Andy, got married this evening, to a young woman Brian grew up with at Lakeside Baptist, Lindsay. His parents were also invited, so we went with them. We had to hire a babysitter for the first time ever, since they usually babysit for us. The wedding was beautiful and the church was packed. Many people from our little church were there, as Andy had been a founding member and an elder, before he left last fall to take a youth ministry position at another church. Many, many people from Lakeside were there, because Lindsay has grown up in the church, and her parents are very well-known and involved. There were 7 bridesmaids and groomesmen, 6 honorary bridesmaids and 8 ushers, along with a flower girl and ring bearer. Whew! Andy is a seminary student, and his father is a minister, so he officiated the wedding. It was beautiful, and it’s always so sweet to be at a wedding with my husband, thinking back to all the memories of our day, and praying the same blessings fall on them as we’ve experienced.

The reception was at the Homewood City Hall, in a brand new building called Soho Square. Very classy. Lots of little food stations, like a chocolate candy table, 2 cake tables – the bride’s classic white cake and the groom’s most delicious chocolate cake, a grits station with toppings like peppers, ham, gravy, cheese and more (I don’t remember because I don’t like grits, even fancy-style), Indian chicken skewers with egg rolls and dipping sauces, fondue with bread and veggies, soup station, pork tenderloin with biscuits and roasted veggies and mango sauce, and mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes with toppings like cheese, bacon, garlic, honey butter, brown sugar, ham. It was GOOD. Quite a beautifully done affair. Made us realize that we’d better get started on saving for Analise’s wedding someday… they’re fancy events down here!

We came home to find our babysitters, Abigail (14) and her brother, Jesse (16), had gotten both kids in bed and they were asleep! WOOHOO! What a treat! I was a bit worried, because it can be quite a juggling job to get both of them ready for bed and actually get them to sleep. Sweet. That was the best part of the evening.

Sorry you’ve not heard much from us. Brian’s working on a few little projects and helping me out with all kinds of things I’ve wanted to get gone. We’re organizing the basement with my scrapbooking stuff, we’ve got Josiah’s room all set up, and my room is clear of all baby stuff. Yippee! It’s nice to have "my space" back… though, at least one kiddo will visit for part of the night, of course. We’re doing well, and really enjoying the relaxed pace of our winter break. We’ve all needed the down time together. Since Brian hit 10,000 miles on December 30th, he’s eased off on his cycling just a bit to give his body some rest.

I’d better go get ready for Sunday School tomorrow. Hope you’re all having a good weekend!

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How much could we get on Ebay??

10th January 2007

Here’s a smile for you… No, we did NOT make this ourselves.  This smiley face showed up on the inside of the chocolate syrup cap.  Pretty cool!  I think we should try to sell it on Ebay!  How much do you think we could get?  People paid for a grilled cheese with the Mother Mary burned into it… surely they’d want a chocolate syrup smiley lid!    

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Christmas 2006 Pictures

10th January 2007

It may be a day late and a dollar short, but here are our pictures from our Christmas adventure. Enjoy!

Aunt Kat and Analise walking on the Ice Age Trail.

Analise and I went sledding. Analise is actually pulling me on the sled down a short hill here.

This football field was at the bottom of the hill where Analise was pulling me.

Analise and I made a wee little snowman before it snowed later that afternoon.

I biked 113 miles from Shell Lake, WI to Duluth, MN one day. I met everyone in
Canal Park where we spent the night and had a great time.

Here’s a picture from the top of the ridge overlooking Duluth back down at the port area.
Note the curved line where the bay is frozen over. We were lucky that it has been a warmer winter
and the entire bay is not frozen. Normally, the shipping season would be over, but we saw several
large ships entering and leaving the harbor right next to our hotel where we were staying.

Even though there was barely any snow on the ground, there was lots of ice around Duluth. These ice falls
were located very close to where I took the previous picture up on top of the ridge.

Here is a genuine homemade ice rink. No more than a garden hose and a few boards required!

Finally, it started snowing!

More snow!

Sledding in the street out front.

The smiling pink princess!

Analise went down the hill all by herself!

Lots of times!

Other people sledding (and falling) down the hill.
In the background, you can see the snow family we helped make.

Somebody else had already made this large snow man.

We made the two smaller snowmen named Analise and Josiah next to the larger one.

Here’s the church, Salem Lutheran, where Kristine and I got married three and a half years ago.

Analise helped brush the snow off the nativity in front of the church.

Analise also decided to participate in the nativity and see baby Jesus!

It was too cold outside for Josiah, but he had a great time inside by the Christmas tree!

Finally, on the way home I rode my bike from La Porte, Indiana
to New Buffalo, Michigan and took this picture of Lake Michigan.

The lighthouse in New Buffalo, Michigan.

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I’ll start the catch-up from today and go backwards!

7th January 2007

I’m so far behind on blogging, I might as well just start from today. Maybe I should take that same approach with scrapbooking… hmm, another subject completely!

Anyway, it’s a lovely rainy winter (well, not winter-cold at 63degrees and 100% humidity, but winter-month!) day. We enjoyed being at church (Clearwater Community Church – our new snazzy website!) for the first time in 3 weeks. And to make it even more lovely, we didn’t have to work in the nursery or Sunday School classroom, and we caught the opening message of Chris’s new series, Optical Illusion (sometime this week you should be able to listen to or download the message).

We had our usual Sunday lunch with Brian’s family of baked beans and hotdogs. Then, as usual, my kiddos were ready to nap, thankfully. Josiah’s been a little fighter about sleeping lately, so when he fell deeply asleep on the way home, we left him sleeping in the car parked in the basement garage with the windows down and door to the house open. He and Analise napped for 2 hours, and I got lots done in my quest to get organzied. His room is finally getting settled, starting with a new comfy crib (particularly bought hoping he’d feel compelled to actually sleep in it, which he hasn’t yet, at least not for stretches longer than 4-5 hours), moving all the "extra" stuff out of room, and making it look like a little boy’s room, finally. When it’s really done, I’ll take some pictures, but right now, it’s still a work-in-progress.

Yesterday, I got my closet cleaned out, which feels quite good. It was a great feeling to pull out maternity clothes, and larger sizes from between pregnancies, and move in some nice new things I got for Christmas. I got rid of plenty of things that I haven’t worn in a long time, and it looks so organized. Ah, feels nice. Analise is awake now, so I’m going to tackle another little project for today – thank you cards for Christmas gifts. Maybe I’ll be back later tonight for some more blog catch-up.

Hope your weekend has been as relaxing as ours!

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Christmas up north

25th December 2006

Well, it’s Christmas day, and we’re having a great time up here in Wisconsin. Not very much snow this year, but you don’t need a lot to make a two year old happy. Here’s a couple pictures from our Christmas tree cutting adventure. Analise preceeded this adventure by telling Molly the dog, "Come on Molly. Let’s go get a Christmas tree." Last night before the Christmas eve service, Analise said three complete sentences in a row: "Come on Molly. Let’s go to church. I’ll ride on your back."

Analise walking next to the snow covered dirt road.

Analise wanted to help Aunt Kat carry the Christmas tree back to the car.

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Not the day we expected…

16th December 2006

One last post from me this evening! We had a busy day planned – Brian had to be at Samford at 9am to participate in the graduation ceremony. Analise, Josiah and I took our time getting going this morning, enjoying some Saturday morning cartoons while I made homemade muffins. Brian got home a little early, just in time for me to get everyone down for their naps. Brian’s parents were going to babysit for us tonight while we went to see friend’s who had a new baby and attended a couples wedding shower together. Mid-afternoon, though, Brian’s mom called to say they wouldn’t be coming as Tom had gotten sick on the golf course, and he was headed to the hospital! It turns out he was having a heart attack! Thankfully, they were able to go in and put a stent in, though they found the artery was almost completely blocked. He’s in the hospital until Monday or so. Scary! I’m so glad he’s ok!

Anyway, it wasn’t the evening we were expecting. Brian went up to see his dad briefly, and we had a quiet evening here. I’m having a hard time figuring out to do with myself these evenings. Brian’s been going to bed early so he can get up early, since that’s the time he’s most productive. I, on the other hand, struggle in the morning, specially since my nights are so interrupted. I feel like I’ve GOT to make the most of these quiet evening hours to get things done. I’m getting the blog caught up and working on Sunday School lessons for tomorrow, my usual late-Saturday evening project. (I’m in charge of Sunday School curriculum. It’s a job that I’d joyfully hand off if there was someone wanting to do it… *sigh*). Ahem – this isn’t the best time to be picking a craft project, since all the fun stuff usually requires a trip to the craft store.

Ok, enough rambling. Pray that Brian’s dad, Tom, gets well soon. We’re so thankful he’s doing better!

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Lord, let the morning…

16th December 2006

This parenting thing is hard.  Yesterday was a rough day.  I think it was just the culmination of a long, long week for me.  Analise has been sick, I’m fighting a cold, Josiah has been sick, Brian’s been swamped with work.  Analise has been grumpy, and it’s made me grumpy.  We’ve fought little power battles every day, numerous times, and I’m feeling like some days are definitely the "terrible 2’s".  I’m pretty stir-crazy from being cooped up with the 2 kiddos all week.  I broke down last night in tears, just from being overwhelmed and frustrated with the day and the week in general. 

Last night while I was sleeping, though, I found this verse in my mind, "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love…" (Psalm 143:8).  It touched me deeply, and I woke up with a lighter spirit.  Today has been a much better day, especially with Analise.  She’s been obedient and sweet, mostly.  We painted, played outside, did a craft.  She took her medicine on her own, willingly, without a fight (major BIG DEAL).  Tonight is the end of 4 consecutive "dry" days, too!  WOOHOO!  I’m very proud of her.

Anyway, it’s been a better day, thankfully.  It’s so incredibly easy to let the enemy find a corner in our mind to fill us with anxieties, frustrations, self-pities, etc.  And before you know it, they’ve completely encompassed your mind, and all you can think about is "poor me".  That’s where I was last night.  But here’s my prayer tonight:

Lord, satisfy us in the morning with your unfailling love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all of our days.  (Psalm 90:14)

I’ll leave you with a couple more cute pictures of Analise – including one smile!  She’d gotten a new set of bows, and she let me put them all in her hair.  When I was putting the last one (#6) in, she said, "It’s getting crowded!"  Haha!  Then she went back to her book.  I love my beautiful little bookworm.

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Josiah First Food photos!

16th December 2006

Last Friday, Josiah got to eat his first real food, the night before his 6 month birthday. Yum… oatmeal baby cereal with formula! It was hard to convince him that he’d like it more than the spatula, at first. Then he wasn’t quite sure what he thought of it.

But after a couple bites, he wouldn’t let go of the spoon, and kept wanting to "help" me feed him. He seemed to like it pretty well, and he ate all that I’d made.

He’s got a gourmet menu of rice with apples bananas tomorrow – what an exciting change! Oh, and the always delicious main course of warm sweet breastmilk:) Still his favorite. Can you tell buy his round little body he eats pretty well?

After 2 days of feeling feverish and a day of grumpiness (today), I hope Josiah will be over the virus that has bugged both he and Analise this week. We need to be healthy again! It’s been a long week for mom…  This last picture is for comparison sake – this week (6 months) and July (1 month).  He’s gotten so big!  His favorite place to sleep is still on me.  Though it’s hard to convince him to give in and go to sleep, I still love having him snuggled up against me.

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