Family Alive

Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

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More twilight photos

4th May 2007

Warming up before the race … photo credit: Lindy Dugger.

The race at Athens Twilight last Saturday was crazy-fast. Lindy got lots of great pictures from the race,
including some painful looking ones from the crashes. Check them out here:

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A Heffalump!

3rd May 2007

Analise came home from school with a lump on her forehead, which her teacher told me in a note was from falling while she was running in the classroom.  It’s not bruised yet, just a big lump in the middle of her forehead. 

I was talking to Brian on the phone and told him she had a "heck of a lump" on her forehead.  A few minutes later, I asked how her head was, and she said to me, "I have a Heffalump on my forehead!"  (If you don’t know what a Heffalump is, it’s the main character of the Pooh Heffalump movie, which we just watched recently.)  Now she keeps talking about her Heffalump. 

Lovely quiet day here.  My house was in relatively good order because we hosted home church here last night.  Only one waking last night, so I woke in a better mood.  The day always looks better when I’ve not been up/down all night long.  Brian took Analise to school, and Josiah went down for an early nap.  I got a long quiet shower, some time to read my Bible, then I settled down to sew and watch Rachael Ray.  A lovely entire hour of just sitting.  Brian was out running errands and came back in time to have lunch with me, which was a nice treat.  This afternoon has been restful and quiet, too.

Dinner is teriyaki salmon with wild rice and broccoli.  Quick and easy.  I think I’m going to go sew some more!  Yeah – tomorrrow’s Friday!

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What’s Cookin’… Six Can Soup

3rd May 2007

Hearty beany-veggie soup that you can add any meat to, and it freezes well!

  • 1 can minestrone soup
  • 1 can beans (kidney or cannellini or whatever you like)
  • 1 can mixed veggies
  • 1 can beef broth
  • 1 can cream-style corn
  • 1 can tomato sauce
  • (optional) Any kind of meat you might like to add… we used leftover ham, very tasty
  • Seasonings as you like – italian, garlic, onion flakes, salt and pepper

Simmer on the stove for 20-30 minutes or dump everything in the slow-cooker on low for a couple hours.  Goes AWESOME with Tastefully Simple Beer Bread – MMMMmm.

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Athens Twilight Race… the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

1st May 2007

Brian warming up before the race.

The title about sums it up:)  Brian proved he can race with the Big Dogs (the pros) this weekend at the Athens Twilight Criterium.  I was so proud of him!  I’d try to describe it, but he summarized it pretty well in an email to his teammates.  (His teammates are mostly category 3-4 riders, so they don’t race in the same races he does.)  Here it is, straight from the man himself on Sunday morning:

Well, is it possible to be pleased and disappointed at the same time??? That’s how I am feeling this morning — well, and pretty sore, too.

First, I accomplished two goals I had for the race … pass as many people as possible to make it to the front — although it took almost 50 laps to get there! The other goal is once I got there I was able to attack and lead the field for half a lap. Strategically, there wasn’t much point it other than to be able to stay near the front. It was hecka cool to be off the front in front of thousands and thousands of screaming people.

When the pack got me I stayed near the front and was in the top 30 when a bad, bad crash happened right in front of me. I had nowhere to go, slammed on the brakes, helplessly plowing into the people on the ground in front of me, landing on my butt, and then watching in horror as two guys plowed into me landing on top of me. I couldn’t move as my legs which had been starting to cramp completely seized and I just lay on the ground trying not to move and getting those muscles to relax. It didn’t matter anyway though as I was on top of one guy and his bike and there was a bike on top of me (I have a nice bicycle part imprint scarred into my shoulder blade). I had two volunteers pull me up because I knew I would cramp up again if I tried to get up on my own. My bike wasn’t so lucky. The handlebars were turned at a 45 degree angle. Both brake levers were turned at weird angles, too. And, the worse part, apparently my rear derailleur cable had gotten caught on someone or somebody’s bike and pulled so hard that it started to strip at the part where the cable is bolted onto the rear derailleur. I made it back to the pit and was able to get everything fixed except for the deraileur. [Because so many riders had been involved, they stopped the race to gather everyone up and restart.]  With no cable tension, the gears wouldn’t shift and so I had to ride the course in my big gear. I was able to make it for two more laps with the field that had been neutralized to let the 50 or so riders involved in the crash back into the race. [The rear pace motorcycle official even reached out and pushed Brian up the hill, revving up to 40mph to help him out!]  But there was just no way for me to make it up the hill on the backside of the course in my that gear. I got pulled with about 12 laps to go.

I am very sore this morning and had a massive hematoma on my buttocks.  There were so many people cheering for me by name all throughout the course.

The bike imprint on his shoulder blade.  Any guesses on what part of the bike this was?
We’ll spare you a picture of the butt hematoma:)

It’s so funny… I’m kind of an animated wife spectator. I yell really loud, and I have a way of getting so excited, and sort of draw all the people around me into cheering for him. So the race on Saturday night was a HUGE deal – like 30,000 (or so they say) people in downtown, around 2 city blocks. Athens is where UGA is, so all the bars had set up beer gardens along the street, and there were tons and tons of excited college students cheering the racers, flying around the course. Honestly, I don’t think they would have cared if it was a roller derby or walkers.  The race was 80 laps – like an hour and a half, at 9pm, so it was a crazy party with cyclists racing around in a circle. Not like anything you have ever experienced. I was pretty excited to see Brian doing so well, and when the people around me dispersed, Brian told me he heard people screaming for him all around the course. It was so fun.

We spent a good part of Sunday trying to get Brian’s bike fixed so he could race that evening.  Besides the cable, the carbon fiber handlebars were broken, which he’d not noticed the day before.  A bright side of the day for me, though, was a leisurely stroll through my favorite grocery store in the world, Trader Joe’s.  YUM… pineapple salsa, dark chocolate covered espresso beans, tomato bruchetta.  We need one in Birmingham!

Brian was feeling good enough to ride, though, and he was anxious to test himself again, since he’d been feeling so good the night before.  The Sunday race in Roswell went really great for him.  Overall, he finished 29th in a field of more than 100.  There was a breakaway group out front of 15, and but Brian got 14th in the main field sprint.  He even led the race again for a little bit!  Yeah! 

This weekend are 2 more races in the USA Crit Southeast series, closer to home.  We’re hoping to get a big local crowd up to Anniston on Saturday evening to cheer him on to a top 20 finish.  Go, Brian! 

Now a special treat for those who made it this far… a couple cute pictures I caught of Josiah while we were waiting in the car.

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He’s hot stuff, I tell ya…

27th April 2007

Another big weekend ahead of us.  Last weekend, at the Mississippi Grand Prix, he finished 6th overall.  He was really happy with the results, and he came home with a decent check of prize money! 

This weekend begins a week long series of criteriums in Georgia and Alabama.  We’re headed to Athens, GA tomorrow for a BIG DEAL Pro/Category 1 race in the evening.  Though he’s only a Category 2 rider – hoping to jump up to Category 1 any day now! – he needed an invitation to race with the Big Dogs:)  He got the call this morning, and so we’re going to cheer him on as he tests himself with some of the top riders in the nation.  We’re staying in Athens tomorrow night, and the series continues in Roswell (north Atlanta) tomorrow evening.  There are races every day next week, but Brian won’t be racing in the series again until next Saturday and Sunday.  We’ll keep you posted. 

But this sweet fast-looking photo was taken last weekend during the time trial.  I love it!  Doesn’t he look like he’s flying?

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Meet Quincy…

27th April 2007

And now for some lighter Friday reading and a few smiles from my cuties!

No, she’s not supposed to be standing on the chair. But she was so smiley and pretty!
I so rarely catch such a sweet picture of her.

Over our Easter Indiana trip, I borrowed a Disney’s Little Einstiens DVD from the library for Analise to enjoy. We don’t have the Disney channel, so it was new and very exciting for her. Of course, Little Einsteins are her new favorite show. We ended up buying the Legend of the Golden Pyramid (and 2 other episodes) after we got back. This is actually one of my favorite kids shows. They highlight real art by a famous artist and use a piece of well-known music by a famous composer in each episode. There’s a lot of listening and learning about music, hearing the groups of insturments, and recognizing similar phrases of each song. And in each adventure, they go fun places, like San Francisco, Venice and Egypt, and they use realistic images and learn a little about the place their visiting. Very fun.

The Little Einsteins are Annie, Quincy, Leo and June. June is a ballet dancer, always spinning and twirling, and Analise has just entered a ballet phase. She’s always wanting to spin and twirl, especially when she has as skirt or dress on, or a twirly nightgown. She’s learned a song called, "The Bear who Loves Ballet", and she sings it at the top of her lungs, dancing around on her toes. It’s so very cute. I’m actually hoping maybe this summer we can find a fun ballet or gymnastics class.

It seems that the Little Einsteins have moved in. I came into Analise’s room, and she was talking to Quincy.
"Quincy, come cheer for Daddy with me! Go, Brian!"
"Where’s Quincy?" I asked.
"Right here," she said, pointing to Josiah.
"Oh, Josiah is Quincy."
"No, he’s not. He’s right here!", she corrected, pointing to a spot just behind Josiah.
"Hi Quincy!" I said.
"Ok, Quincy, let’s go," she said moving on to something else to play with her new friend.
We’re in the familiy room right now, and I just asked her where Quincy was. "In my bedroom." So cute.

Josiah’s really turning into a redhead! He’s such a handsome little man…
that’s what Analise always says, because it’s what I’ve been saying since he was born:)

Josiah’s napping. I just realized he’s outgrown the sweet stage of falling asleep on my chest. I’m a bit sad, as I sure loved him snuggling up to me. It is a good thing, though, as he much prefers to put himself to sleep in his quiet room. But we had a short snuggle before he went to bed. I can’t believe how fast they’re growing up!   Josiah’s first birthday is just around the corner, June 9th.  He’ll be 11 months old in just over a week.  And Analise’s 3rd birthday is at the end of June.  I’m planning a big Dora-fest:)  You’ll hear more soon!

The plan: Distract Josiah with the puzzle box, so he doesn’t decide he wants to eat the pieces, while Analise works hard to put it together!
The outcome: He was only entertained for about 30 seconds, not quite long enough for Analise to finish.

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To be a good mom

26th April 2007

Yes, I’ve been quiet on the blog-front this week.  My apologies.  I’ve been battling some grumpiness, and we’re still/again struggling on the sleep front.  This is kind of a rambling, late-night post, but it’s the thoughts that have been bouncing in my head all week.

Tuesday started out really rough, as Josiah slept fitfully during the night and decided to start the day at 5am.  I’ll spare you the other grumpy details, but I was overwhelmed with the day by 9am.  I had planned to go to my monthly Mothers of Preschoolers meeting at 10am, which I had missed last month when I was sick.  I almost didn’t go because Josiah only got a short nap before we had to leave. 

I’m so glad I went, though.  On the way over, I heard the Mark Schulz song, "I AM" on the radio, reminding me that God is… all the things I needed Him to be at that very moment.  It was the perfect quieting to prepare me for a restful time at the meeting.  It was really encouraging to fellowship with other moms who are going through the same struggles, trying to be the best mom to our children, wanting desperately to model the love of Christ to them.  It was honest, real, and convicting.  

Tonight I went to a missions banquet with Brian’s mom.  The speaker again shared something that spoke to me about her experiences as a mother.  Another deeply convicting personal story of a mother’s weak moment and her response of humbling herself and asking forgiveness of her daughter.  

Our children are watching us.  They are see our habits – good and bad, they see our weak moments and they learn from how we respond to them.  I know that mothering has challenged me in more ways than I’ve ever been challenged.  I am not naturally a patient person… I’m impatient and quick-tempered, and I have plenty of other faults.  But the only thing I can do as a mother is to cultivate MY heart, soaking up the promises of God in the fruit of the Spirit… love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  

At home church last night, the question was asked, "What do you really want in life?"  I knew immediately.  I want to live a life that lets my children see Christ through me.  I want to spend time in the Word for myself, but also, I really want Analise to see that this is an important part of my day and to grow up building the same habit in her life.  I want my children to see that God’s word speaks to our lives today.  I want them to grow up knowing His word, and to do that, I have to know His word myself and put it to use in my life.  I want to walk in patience in those moments when Analise doesn’t tell me she’s got to go potty, but instead creates a puddle in her bedroom and proceeds to dance in it.  I want to love her through her toddler-tantrum moments and model patience in her endless, repeated requests. 

There are so many things I want as a mom… but to achieve any of them, I must take care of my heart, my spirit.  I need to come to source of the Living Water, and let God refresh my dry spirit.  I need to ask Him to order my day before I roll out of bed in the morning, and ask Him to fill me with His spirit so I can face all the demands with the supernatural love, joy, peace, patience and self-control that I’ll need.

So to sum it up, I’ll always be striving to be a good mom.  But the only way I’ll every be a good mom is to cultivate my spirit with God’s love.  Another day awaits…

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What’s Cookin’… Creamy Chicken Spaghetti

21st April 2007

Sort of my own creation, after being inspired by several recipes on

Creamy Chicken Spaghetti

  • 2 chicken breasts, cooked, shredded (seasoned with onion, garlic salt and season salt)
  • 8 oz spaghetti, broken into pieces, cooked & drained
  • 3/4 c diced carrots (cook and drain with spaghetti)
  • 1 c. cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 c. cream of chicken soup
  • 1/2 c. chicken broth or white wine
  • 2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 c. breadcrumbs (or crumbled crackers)
  • 3 T butter, melted
  • *optional bacon bits (I used Tastefully Simple’s Bacon Bacon)

together the soups and broth/wine. Season with some garlic salt and
italian seasoning, if desired. Mix in 1 cup cheddar cheese, add
chicken, add noodles, stir to mix. Pour into greased 9×13 pan. Top with
the rest of the cheese. Mix bread crumbs and butter, and bacon
seasoning if you’re using it, and sprinkle on top. Bakeat 350 for 30 min.  Enjoy!

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Tearing up the roads…

21st April 2007

Brian on the last day of racing. He placed 5th in this race.

Brian’s in Mississippi this weekend for an omnium bike race, which is a series of races that all score towards an overall prize.  He’s feeling much better than he did last weekend in Tennessee, thankfully.  Last night, he placed 7th in the criterium.  In this morning’s road race, he placed 6th, and though he’s not sure of the results of the time trial this afternoon, he was very pleased with how he did.  There are some really good racers there, and this is a great weekend for him to get some notable results.  He’s got one more race tomorrow morning, and we’ll let you know how he did overall.  But he’s pretty sure that as long as he finishes relatively well tomorrow, he should place in the overall (GC) prize money.  Yeah! 

I’m managing on my own.  Josiah’s not sleeping well, but other than that we’ve had a good, quiet early weekend.  I will definitely say that I think single moms are amazing, as I surely couldn’t do this very often.  But it’s nice to feel like I have things under control… at least for a time! 

I’ve started finding little chores for Analise to help me with.  One of them is putting away the silverware.  She’ll pull her little stool over to the drawer, I’ll dump the silverware on the counter, and she’ll happily sort them all into their spaces.  She loves it.  She keeps saying, "Mommy, you’re proud of me?"  It’s so cute.  I keep telling her how much I appreciate her help.  "Mommy, you ‘preciate me?"  It’s sweet!

Josiah had about a month of gobbling down baby food, but now he’s got severe food jealousy.  He wants whatever Analise is eating, and Analise, in turn, often wants his Gerber fruit or veggie puffs, his shredded cheese, or one of his crackers.  But he wants anything she’s got… pizza, noodles, cereal, cookies.  Today at the grocery store, the bakery lady gave Analise a cookie, and he had a little fit because he wanted something.  He grudgingly munched on a cracker (actually 5 of them throughout the store), while I kept reminding Analise to try to stay out of his reach.  In the last two days, he’s had mashed chicken spaghetti and mashed sweet and sour meatballs.  And he won’t let me eat any form of dessert without complaining LOUDLY that he needs something.  And he cannot be convinced that grapes are equivalent to a brownie.  Smart boy.

One other Josiah favorite of the moment is shredded cheese.  He’ll start making little panting noises, stretching his arms and legs out in desperation when he sees the cheese.  I shred a little pile onto his tray, and he happily gobbles it down.  (Only about half of it makes it to his mouth, although he’s gotten really good at his pincher grasp.  Tiny shredded cheese is hard to get!)

Happy Saturday, everyone!  

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Expect Miracles

19th April 2007

Two people I know are battling cancer.  One of them is a very, very dear friend from California.  She’s been an amazing testimony to God’s presence through it all, and I have been meaning to share an article that she wrote for Radiant Magazine, called The Blessing of Cancer.  It’s such a great communication of what she’s gone through.  She’s doing great, and finished chemotherapy last month.  Go, Michelle!  We’re praying for you… and may God continue to use you in a MIGHTY way to minister to those around you. 

The other person, Amy Alford, I only know secondhand, as she’s the daughter of a woman from my home church in Shell Lake.  Long story short is that just a couple weeks after giving birth to a sweet baby girl in December, she was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor.  She’s undergone surgery, but part of the tumor couldn’t be removed, and now she’s in the process of an aggressive chemotherapy protocol.  Her story can be found here, at Caring Bridge.  But if you’re interested in a little, tangible way you can support her, there are beautiful silver bracelets available at that say "Expect Miracles".  They’re only $9.95, and 100% of the profits go to a fun to support their expenses. 

"Expect Miracles"… I think that’s so powerful because we so rarely do.  God IS capable, and he WANTS to show us His power.  He wants us to believe Him.  I think we need to pray for miracles, expecting them, and believing God is able.  And above all, we believe that He is good, and trust that He is loving.  I learned so much from a Beth Moore bible study, called Believing God.  It’s hard, but I want to find ways to believe in Him and His character in my life.  And I’m expecting miracles.  

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