Odds and Ends
7th August 2006

First, a few pictures scattered throughout the post. I tried to set up a “photo shoot” of Analise and Josiah, trying to find a good background (down comforter draped over her toddler bed and a blanket over J’s bouncy seat) and a way to get the two of them in a picture together. Didn’t work so well, but here are two of the ok pics. Analise only smiled for this one, and she only grudgingly kissed J once. She got tired of me arranging and rearranging the setup very quickly. I will never be a photographer, that’s for sure.

Scrapbook catchup
It was a quiet weekend, and because I ran out of baby
announcements to mail out (more came in the mail today,
so if you haven’t gotten one yet, keep on being patient
with me! hopefully yours will be in your mailbox
soon!). I made use of the down time to work on Josiah’s
baby book, which I’m making myself scrapbook-style. I’m
pretty excited about it, and I’m really enjoying it. I
sure love scrapbooking – we’ve got so many great
pictures to work with! Right now, I’m in the middle of
the pictures of his arrival (I don’t work in
chronological order), and I just don’t want to do
anything that NEEDS to be done because I’d rather finish
it. Unfortunately, the laundry is waiting (again!?!) to
be folded and the house needs some serious picking-up
before our company arrives tomorrow.

A visit from CA
Yeah! Steve and Corrie are arriving tomorrow, and we
can’t wait:) We’ve got a fun, relaxing week planned –
good food, a little adventuring, playing with the little
ones. Josiah will be dedicated at our church on Sunday,
and we’re glad they’ll be here to celebrate with us.
Oh! And Brian’s 30th birthday is Thursday, so it’ll be
fun to celebrate him, too!

A Calling…
Last night, we attended a commissioning service for a
friend from our church who’ll be going to Mali in West
Africa for 2 years. She’ll be serving with the
International Mission Board sharing the Gospel through
storytelling with people groups that have literacy rates
of higher than 80%, and very very few christians. It
was a great service of prayer and worship, focusing on
God’s heart for His people all over the world. It
brought tears to my eyes… it feels sometimes like I’m
so far from that season of my life. Just 3 1/2 years
ago, I was in Nicaragua, living my dream, speaking
spanish, teaching. I really miss it. I love my life,
and I wouldn’t trade it for a second, but I do miss
being on the mission field. I guess this is my season
to pray and encourage all my missionary friends, teach
Analise and Josiah about God’s love for His people, and
hope that maybe God has a season for us in the mission
field in the future.
Praises for Skype
Speaking of missionaries, thanks to the wonderful
technology of online phone services, I got a call from
my dear, dear friend, Meg in East Asia. It was so great
to hear her voice! She and her husband have been with
Campus Crusade over there for about 5 years, and she’s
raising two boys, 3 1/2 and 1 year over there. Again,
I miss living in a foreign culture, being in the thick
of sharing God’s work, but I’m so glad I have so many
friends who are obeying God’s call to “go into all the
world”. What a treat to hear her voice after a year!
She was surprised at my southern drawl:)
Such conversation!
“I wan some candy in a bowl, please.” This was
Analise’s request yesterday morning when she woke up!
Crazy girl. It was such a good sentence, though, I
almost indulged her. I can’t believe how good her
speech has gotten – using pronouns correctly more often
and putting together more complete sentences that just
amaze us. Saturday afternoon, she and I enjoyed playing
with her animals and blocks, building tables and putting
all the animals on block stools. They were “vewy
hungry, yummy samwiches.” Papa Noah was manning the
“hangaber” stand, and we had quite a time getting
everyone fed and seated at their table (there are
something like 36 animals, when everyone’s together).
She would move them over, saying, “Scoop over, lion.
Scoop up, zebra.” Quite entertaining. I wish everyone
could have a chance to play with Analise for a half hour
or so… you’d enjoy yourself! We’re also learning bible verses. She’s learned Psalm 23:1, “Da Lod is my sheper.” and last week’s verse is even better, “Shout to da Lod!” from Psalm 100:1. I’m proud of her! I’ll have to get her to do it on video so you can appreciate it. You can almost hear a sweet southern drawl in her, too!
All out of Ebay luck…
After my run of good Ebay luck, I’m not doing so well.
I sold another item, and the buyer emailed me to say her
PayPal account had been suspended so she wondered if she
could send me the money by mail. I much prefer PayPal,
but that was ok. It finally arrived today – 12 days
after the item sold. Another item sold for $20, which
made me really happy… except that they buyer hasn’t
paid yet, 6 days later. He has no feedback or history,
so I’m assuming it’s going to be an unpaid item, and
I’ll have to relist it. Arg. I’ll keep you posted on how my Ebay-on-the-side business goes.
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