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Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

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Vacation Update (with photos)

18th July 2007

New River Gorge bridge, West Virginia

Part 1: Birmingham, AL to Somerset, PA
748 miles, 17 hours

We left Birmingham early Friday morning and made it all the way to Somerset, PA just after midnight. It was definitely a long day in the car, but a beautiful drive through the Appalachian Mountains. One of the highlights was a surprise trip across the New River Gorge bridge. I had always heard of the bridge and we saw on the map that we were close to it, but we didn’t realize that our route was going to take us right over the bridge which is the second longest steel arch bridge in the world.

View from the scenic overlook near the New River Gorge bridge

Analise and I at the same scenic overlook

Part 2: Somerset, PA
3 days

For the next part of our trip, we spent three days in southwestern PA where I was registered to race in the US Masters National Championship race on Wednesday, July 11. On Tuesday, we had a picnic at the Seven Springs ski resort after I picked up my registration packet. Then on Wednesday was the race, which started out really well, but ended up somewhat of a disappointment as I fell behind on the last lap and ended up 27th. After the race, though, we had a great time exploring the area. Here’s some photos from all that we did.

First, we visited the Flight 93 memorial which was only 10 miles from our hotel.

Still very poignant to visit here even 5 years later.

A close-up of the memorial

Next, we visited Ohiopyle State Park and saw the waterfalls and rapids.

Even though it was raining a little bit, we still had fun walking around.

Kristine, Analise, and Joisah were even ventured out into the icy cold waters.

Just a few miles away was Frank Lloyd Wright’s "fallingwater" house which was very cool to see.
Since a tremendous thunderstorm and rainshower passed over us as we were visiting, we got to
see lots of falling water at Fallingwater. They also had little umbrellas which Analise was excited to carry.

Part 3: Somerset, PA to New York City
316 miles – 7 hours

Then on Thursday after the race, it was onto New York City to see Radu and meet Claire
and their 10 week old daughter, Violet. Here’s a picture of Violet on our walk through Central Park.

We entered Manhattan at the south end of the island via the Holland Tunnel and then drove
all the way up the island to 110th Street to Radu and Clare’s house in Harlem. Along the way we
drove by the World Trade Center reconstruction site — nothing more than a hole in the ground right now.

We also drove right by Grand Central Station.

After we made it to their apartment and Radu got home from work, we walked over to
Central Park, played on one of the playgrounds before embarking on a hiking adventure.
I had always imagined Central Park to be flat, but instead it was rugged and heavily forested.

Josiah was exhausted from all our traveling and fell sound asleep in the backpack.

The next morning I biked with Radu down to the financial district. I continued on to the tip of
the island and snapped this picture of the Statue of Liberty from Battery Park.

Here’s a picture of the George Washington bridge which crosses to the north end of Manhattan.

Biking through all of Manhattan during morning rush hour was very fun. This
bike path was right along West Street. Pedestrians were very conscientious
of bikers so you could fly along the bike paths and people would get out of the way.
When I made it back uptown to about 95th street I started to make my way
over to Central Park, but I was thwarted by a one-way street. I turned left
and saw a lot of green lights ahead of me so I sprinted up to about 30-35 mph and
flew alongside all the taxis and negotiated my way up 15 blocks in just a few minutes.

Part 4: New York City to Williamsburg, VA
399 miles – 11 hours

After I got back from my bike ride around Manhattan, we loaded up the car and
headed for Williamsburg, VA to meet Kristine’s family for a quick visit. The trip was
supposed to take about 7 hours, but took us 11 with all the traffic on I-95 south of
Washington, DC. Surprisingly, there wasn’t much traffic at all in DC itself as we
took I-395 right through the heart of the city seeing the Capitol, Jefferson Memorial,
and the Washington Monument. Our tired travelers took turns sleeping through most of it.

When we finally made it, we had a wonderful pasta dinner with Kristine’s family.
Here’s Kristine with her Aunt Carol and Uncle Jim.

Here’s all the kids together … Hailey, Lily, Analise, and Josiah. I got to go for
a bike ride while Kristine caught up with her cousin Kimberly and their kids.


When we were ready to leave for the last part of our vacation, we started out by taking the
ferry across the James River … fun, fun, fun! Here’s a few pictures from that part of our trip.

Part 5: Williamsburg, VA to Myrtle Beach, SC
373 miles – 7.5 hours

For the last (and most fun) part of our trip, we are currently in Myrtle Beach, SC enjoying a fun beach vacation. Here’s some pictures from our first couple days here. We’ll be here through Saturday and then back home to Alabama.

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We’re on the road again!

11th July 2007

Sorry you haven’t heard from us!  I just got caught up from the trip and now we’re on the road again.  After a crazy busy weekend that included Wisconsin friends visiting, working 2 services of child care at church and the final 3rd birthday party for Analise (pictures and more to come!), we left early Monday morning for western Pennsylvania.  Brian raced today in the USA Cycling’s National Road Master’s Championships (30-34 age group) race.  I’ll let him tell more, but though it started well, he didn’t feel so good by the end.  Not surprising as it was 6500′ of climbing in 50 miles.  WHEW. 

We’re in Somerset, Pennsylvania, and it’s been a really great trip.  The kids have travelled well, including a marathon 800 mile trip on Monday, arriving here at 11:30pm.  It’s been nice to be in one hotel for 3 nights.  We visited the Flight 93 crash site and temporary memorial yesterday, and today we visited Ohiopyle Falls and a Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home, Fallingwater, appropriately in a rain storm:)  Very fun day.  Many pictures to come… I promise.  Western PA is beautiful, heavy rolling hills covered in farms.  I love it.

Tomorrow morning we’re leaving early for New York City!  Since we’re "so close", we’re going to visit an old friend, Radu, who lives just 3 blocks from Central Park, though he assures us that E 110th St. is actually Harlem, so we’ll find free parking.  Good to know.  We’re going to explore Central Park, have dinner with Radu and his family.  Friday, we’re heading down the East Coast to stay in Williamsburg, VA where we’ll visit with my aunt, uncle and cousin and her family for an evening/morning.  Saturday, I’m so very excited… finally, at long last, we’re heading to South Carolina for a long-awaited beach vacation.  I’ve never spent a week at the beach, and Brian’s family has a 6-bedroom beach house reserved for the week in Myrtle Beach. 

We’ll check back in late with pictures…

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**I’m changing my email!

6th July 2007

I’m having some problems with my other email address, and
it’s not working right now.  This is my new address, and the one I’m going
to be using permanently, 
Please change it in your address book ASAP, as I’m not getting *any* mail from
my other address. 

All my other current contact info is below as well.  Thank you!

Kristine Toone
3517 Laurel View Rd.
Birmingham, AL  35216
205.492.4069 (cell)

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A few more random photos… playgrounds and baby birds

6th July 2007

These were some fun pictures from a great Hardee’s playground in Madison, Wisconsin.  Let me tell ya… with 2 restless kids, we made use of restaurant playgrounds along the way. 

Josiah is a master slide climber.  It’s his favorite challenge on the playground.  Gotta watch for kids coming down, though…

Or this will happen!  They were both smiling and laughing, thankfully.  Not always the case!

Josiah also really enjoyed the tunnel.  He was giggling and squealing the whole time, going back and forth. 

Peeking at me from the bubble section. 

This is the only picture I got in Wausau when we met Jen and Dena. 
As hard as it is to get my 2 kids to be good for a photo, it’s impossible with 4!
Callie (Jen’s pretty little 2-year old), Josiah, Derek (Dena’s tall handsome 3 year old) and Analise.

This is Jen saying, "Look at me, I can do 2 kids, no problem!"  An hour later, she was testing it out for real
as she and Dena took care of Analise while Josiah and I were at the urgent care clinic with Brian.

We came home to 2 fluffy baby birds in our hanging basket.  They grew up FAST, and they’re already gone. 
Glad my little ones don’t grow up and leave the nest so quick!

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Up North Adventure – Photos from along the way

6th July 2007

Of course, we had to celebrate birthdays with Grandma Sandy and Poppa Dale! 

We found 2 cute little personal sized cakes.  Josiah dug into his before we could get a picture of it.

He’s gotten the hang of eating cake!

…And waffles!  At the hotel in Wausau, he found a whole waffle on a plate within his reach and while we were all busy with something else, he dug in.  Obviously, the little pieces I’d set out for him just weren’t good enough!

In St. Paul at the Harriet Island park, we played on the playground (the Twin Cities has AWESOME playgrounds!), had a picnic,
and then lured some ducks up to visit us.  They were down about 8 large steps in the water, but when we tossed crackers their way, they slowly came up to snack with us.  Analise was really excited.

Sweet picture of Analise in the daisies… don’t mind the Sport Beans tattoo on her arm. 
When she got it at one of the bike festival booths, we had no idea it would last 10 days before we finally took it off with rubbing alcohol!

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Up North Adventure – Part 3: At Shell Lake’s beach

6th July 2007

My friend Alison’s been waiting a long time for these pictures!  On our last day in Shell Lake, Grandma Sandy and I took Analise and Josiah to the beach for a picnic and some splashing.  We met Alison and Judi at the beach .  It was a fun time, and great warm up for our beach vacation in a week and a half. 

The beach crew…Alison, Judi, Grandma Sandy, Analise and Josiah.

I’m afriad Analise might be known as the "Sand Creation Destroyer" on Shell Lake Beach. 
She kept joining people building sand castles and hampering their building. 
Here she is at creation that she managed to take over after the young builder abandoned due to her "help".

I’m not sure who enjoyed having someone to play with more, Analise or Alison!

Splash Games… Alison was the unlucky target.

You’ve not fully experienced the beach until you’ve found someone to bury. 
Analise, of course, thought Josiah was in perfect position to be buried in the little lagoon.

Another essential experience… eating the sand.  Look at his little belly!

One of my favorite parts was finding this pretty little frog. 
He swam in the shallows, trying to get away from Analise, but we kept finding him.  He tried to make his home in that lagoon, from the earlier picture, but it wasn’t safe enough from Analise’s little fingers. 

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Up North Adventure – Part 2: Mercy Ships reunion

6th July 2007

This day was such a treat for me.  We met 2 wonderful women who I met during my time with Mercy Ships.  All 3 of us started with Mercy Ships in the fall of 1999, spent some time with Mercy Ships as young single women, and two of us met our husbands with Mercy Ships.  All of us got married within a year of each other (2003).  Amy and her husband, Brian, and Shelly and her husband, Gaston, all went back to serve on board the ship, Anastasis.  All three of us have kids now, and it was such a treat to be back together, celebrating what God has done in our lives since we last saw each other.  I really feel as if God has knit our hearts together in a special way through our service with Mercy Ships.

Amy, Josiah and I, Analise and Brian,Gaston and Shelly. 
(The other little ones were napping…mine desperately needed to be, too.  Can you tell?)

Josiah and Caleb playing in the fun sandbox. 

Analise and Caleb cruising on the little bike. 

Gaston and Shelly’s new baby boy, Nathaniel.  What a cutie he was! 

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Up North Adventure – Part 1: Underwater World!

6th July 2007

One of our first fun times was visiting the Underwater World Adventure at the Mall of America.  It’s a very cool aquarium with a glass tunnel that you walk through and the fish/sharks/sea turtles, etc swim over you.  It was so fun!  The pictures of the fish aren’t that great, but all in all, the kids really enjoyed it, and it was definitely worth doing. 

This one was so funny… Analise was peering over the side of the pool,
and all these big goldfish were gathered right at the edge, as I think they thought they were going to get fed!

Fish above us.

This is what Josiah looked like the whole time.  He loved it!

Shark swimming right over us, like you could have reached out and touched him.

Huge sea turtle swimming right over us.

Very pretty little gators in another tank.

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Practicing for the Beach

6th July 2007

We;re practicing for the beach in just over a week.  Analise is all decked out in her Little Einstein’s suit, beach chair and towel.
Don’t be bothered by Quincy and Annie (two of Disney’s Little Einsteins) crammed in the buckets. 
Analise told me that was where they wanted to sit:)

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Happy 4th of July! (As usual, a little late from the Toones!)

5th July 2007

(Excuse the orange faces, we had sloppy joes!)

And us… another rare feat!

They looked so cute in their PJs yesterday.  And Josiah seems to have lost all his baby-ness, and he just looks like such a little boy! 
This picture makes me so happy, because its honestly one of like 5 that I’ve gotten of both of them.  Yeah!

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