Our message at Clearwater this morning was from Titus 2:9-10…
Slaves are to be submissive to their own masters in everything; they are to be well-pleasing, not argumentative, not pilfering, but showing all good faith,so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.
It was a great message, but for much of it, I felt like it wasn’t relevant to me. I’m not employed*. I’m lucky enough to stay at home with my kids. I don’t have an employer. So I listened, but didn’t really notice much application.
Until I thought about my “job”. I do have a job… to love, encourage, inspire and grow my children. I get to do it full-time and not juggle another job. And when I thought about my job, I realized… God has called me to this position, this “full-time job”. He is my employer. And WHAM… the whole message was suddenly very much directed at me.
I’m not going to do it justice in my summary, I’m sure. But Pastor Chris spoke of attitudes at work, gossip, “stealing” including time, obedience but especially obedience with the right attitude. And when I thought of my “job” as a full-time mom and these things, I realized that often I haven’t lived out these verses in serving God as my master (employer). I haven’t always had a good attitude, I’ve wasted my time in countless ways, I’ve grumbled about many of the “hours” I work.
What a calling… what a privilege! God’s allowing me to serve him full-time in the “job” a mother’s heart is created to do. I have amazing children who I get to help “grow in stature and favor with God and with man” (Luke 2:52). There are a million things vying for my attention, but I need to keep my Employer and the job He’s called me to at the forefront of my mind.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. -Colossians 3:23
*Funny thing is, I am actually employed with another job, one that I worked at Friday and Saturday! I’m working as an admin for a company that staffs health assessments for the military. I was gone Thursday night to Saturday afternoon for 2 events. Yes, I should have been applying the message better to this job and my mom-job