Family Alive

Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

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Odds and Ends

7th August 2006

First, a few pictures scattered throughout the post. I tried to set up a “photo shoot” of Analise and Josiah, trying to find a good background (down comforter draped over her toddler bed and a blanket over J’s bouncy seat) and a way to get the two of them in a picture together. Didn’t work so well, but here are two of the ok pics. Analise only smiled for this one, and she only grudgingly kissed J once. She got tired of me arranging and rearranging the setup very quickly. I will never be a photographer, that’s for sure.

Scrapbook catchup
It was a quiet weekend, and because I ran out of baby

announcements to mail out (more came in the mail today,

so if you haven’t gotten one yet, keep on being patient

with me! hopefully yours will be in your mailbox

soon!). I made use of the down time to work on Josiah’s

baby book, which I’m making myself scrapbook-style. I’m

pretty excited about it, and I’m really enjoying it. I

sure love scrapbooking – we’ve got so many great

pictures to work with! Right now, I’m in the middle of

the pictures of his arrival (I don’t work in

chronological order), and I just don’t want to do

anything that NEEDS to be done because I’d rather finish

it. Unfortunately, the laundry is waiting (again!?!) to

be folded and the house needs some serious picking-up

before our company arrives tomorrow.

A visit from CA
Yeah! Steve and Corrie are arriving tomorrow, and we

can’t wait:) We’ve got a fun, relaxing week planned –

good food, a little adventuring, playing with the little

ones. Josiah will be dedicated at our church on Sunday,

and we’re glad they’ll be here to celebrate with us.

Oh! And Brian’s 30th birthday is Thursday, so it’ll be

fun to celebrate him, too!

A Calling…
Last night, we attended a commissioning service for a

friend from our church who’ll be going to Mali in West

Africa for 2 years. She’ll be serving with the

International Mission Board sharing the Gospel through

storytelling with people groups that have literacy rates

of higher than 80%, and very very few christians. It

was a great service of prayer and worship, focusing on

God’s heart for His people all over the world. It

brought tears to my eyes… it feels sometimes like I’m

so far from that season of my life. Just 3 1/2 years

ago, I was in Nicaragua, living my dream, speaking

spanish, teaching. I really miss it. I love my life,

and I wouldn’t trade it for a second, but I do miss

being on the mission field. I guess this is my season

to pray and encourage all my missionary friends, teach

Analise and Josiah about God’s love for His people, and

hope that maybe God has a season for us in the mission

field in the future.

Praises for Skype
Speaking of missionaries, thanks to the wonderful

technology of online phone services, I got a call from

my dear, dear friend, Meg in East Asia. It was so great

to hear her voice! She and her husband have been with

Campus Crusade over there for about 5 years, and she’s

raising two boys, 3 1/2 and 1 year over there. Again,

I miss living in a foreign culture, being in the thick

of sharing God’s work, but I’m so glad I have so many

friends who are obeying God’s call to “go into all the

world”. What a treat to hear her voice after a year!

She was surprised at my southern drawl:)

Such conversation!
“I wan some candy in a bowl, please.” This was

Analise’s request yesterday morning when she woke up!

Crazy girl. It was such a good sentence, though, I

almost indulged her. I can’t believe how good her

speech has gotten – using pronouns correctly more often

and putting together more complete sentences that just

amaze us. Saturday afternoon, she and I enjoyed playing

with her animals and blocks, building tables and putting

all the animals on block stools. They were “vewy

hungry, yummy samwiches.” Papa Noah was manning the

“hangaber” stand, and we had quite a time getting

everyone fed and seated at their table (there are

something like 36 animals, when everyone’s together).

She would move them over, saying, “Scoop over, lion.

Scoop up, zebra.” Quite entertaining. I wish everyone

could have a chance to play with Analise for a half hour

or so… you’d enjoy yourself! We’re also learning bible verses. She’s learned Psalm 23:1, “Da Lod is my sheper.” and last week’s verse is even better, “Shout to da Lod!” from Psalm 100:1. I’m proud of her! I’ll have to get her to do it on video so you can appreciate it. You can almost hear a sweet southern drawl in her, too!

All out of Ebay luck…
After my run of good Ebay luck, I’m not doing so well.

I sold another item, and the buyer emailed me to say her

PayPal account had been suspended so she wondered if she

could send me the money by mail. I much prefer PayPal,

but that was ok. It finally arrived today – 12 days

after the item sold. Another item sold for $20, which

made me really happy… except that they buyer hasn’t

paid yet, 6 days later. He has no feedback or history,

so I’m assuming it’s going to be an unpaid item, and

I’ll have to relist it. Arg. I’ll keep you posted on how my Ebay-on-the-side business goes.

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Sunday Fun

3rd August 2006

Analise squeals with delight sitting next to Olivia’s mom

Sunday was a fun day. It started out kind of sour for me as I was still running a small fever and not feeling well so Kristine took the kids to church and dinner at my parents’ house without me. I stayed home, got some work done on the computer, and rested. Later that afternoon, I was feeling good enough to take everyone to a “Build-A-Bear” birthday party that Analise was invited to by her friend from church, Olivia. This is a picture of everyone with their finished bears.

It was a near process. First, you picked out the bear that you wanted to stuff. Then you picked out a heart for your bear. Then you did a number of little things to teach the bear how to walk, how to run, how to eat, etc… Then you put the heart into the bear and attached it to this machine which injected feathers into the bear. Finally, your finished bear was placed in a takehome doghouse along with a birth certficate with all the bear’s stats. Here’s a few pictures from along the way

Kristine held little sleeping papoose the whole time

Explaining how the process is going to work to the kids

Analise found and decided to wash an already stuffed little kitten

Here is Analise’s puppy dog, “Bear”, being stuffed

After the fun party, Kristine and I went over to Backyard Burger for a leisurely dinner. We got all kinds of free food for our cute kids! On the way over there Analise was singing Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star really well. I got some of it on video that I’m going to post in a little bit. Here’s some pictures from our dinner.

Analise reads about the teddy bear to her teddy bear

Daddy gets to ride on the choo train Analise made out of the
restaurant’s booster seats

Videos to come soon!

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Crazy week!

2nd August 2006

Sorry for the silence this week! It feels like I’ve been battling all week to keep life – and my increasingly messier house – from overtaking me:) I just skimmed an interesting article on Christianity Today’s website called 10 Things You Should Do Before Going to Heaven”. Interesting thoughts and I thought I’d put it here for ya’ll to enjoy, if you’d like.

I’ve got sloppy joes in the slow cooker for home church tonight, two laundry baskets overflowing here in the living room that need attention, and thankfully, two little ones anpping (though Josiah’s squeaking like he’s going to wake up hungry any minute). Here’s 2 quick photos of Josiah… above, his first smiles from last week (he’s looking at the rainbow donkey). Hope to check back by the end of the week – Brian’s been wanting to share some pictures and fun stories about a Build-a-Bear birthday party Analise went to this past weekend. Later!

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Crazy Friday

28th July 2006

A couple funny moments from today. It seems Analise is bored with being at home. While we were getting dressed, she said, “going to church?”. No, I said. “Going to school?” No, sorry, sweetheart. “Going to Boppa and Bwacka’s?” I don’t think so, not today. “Going to Moe’s?” Haha… this is the testament to life in the Toone house. Obviously, Analise has learned that Moe’s Southwestern Grill is a weekly event bc kids eat free on Mondays (and I can share her meal of a decent sized burrito, chips, cookie and drink, so we eat for less than $8 – can’t beat that!).

She’s also learned Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star – the entire song (minus one line which she combines with another). It includes probably her longest sentence yet – “how I won-er wha you r”. We’ve caught it on video, so I’ll have Brian upload it this weekend. Aunt Anna can validate, though, as Analise sang it to “Nana” and “Hunkle Hal” on the phone tonight:)

Josiah’s smiling! It’s so sweet. I caught a few of them on camera today, and I’m too tired to post pictures, so that’ll have to come tomorrow, too. But it’s funny bc he’s gotten chubbier, and the pictures of him smiling in his swing make him look like he has at least 3 chins. He’s such a cutie pie!

After I related my fun day to Brian, he insisted I share it with the blog audience:) Lucky you. To start off with, we were expecting people from The Foundry Mission thrift store to come pick up some things we wanted to donate. They were supposed to come between 10 and 4. I got caught up doing things this morning while Brian was watching Analise and Josiah was cat-napping, and I missed my window of opportunity to shower. So i was looking pretty grungy. Brian left at about noon for meetings. So at about 3:15, the Foundry people hadn’t come yet, and I was expecting the doorbell at any time. I’d left Analise’s diaper off bc she has a really bad diaper rash. She was playing, and i was nursing Josiah. All of a sudden, she stood up and said, “Oh, mommy, dirty…” pointing to her foot. Yes, she had pooped and stepped in it. ARG! So I pulled poor Josiah away from the food source and ran to pick Analise up before she stepped anywhere else, leaving myself a bit exposed in the process. Josiah, who’d been nearly asleep, grumbled in the swing, while I cleaned Analise up in the bathroom. Then she wanted to sit on her potty chair for a while, which wasn’t really what I wanted her to do, but I guess when you’re trying to encourage potty training, you don’t say no to that request. So we spent a few minutes in the bathroom while she read on the potty, Josiah grumbled in the swing, and I rushed around – exposed – tryin to get the floor cleaned up before she came back out to play. Finally, got the spots Oxy-cleaned and got Analise back in a diaper and clothes without the doorbell ringing in the middle of the chaos, and I could rescue poor Josiah and let him finish his meal. Man… fun times. Want to come hang out with us?:)

Ok, it’s Friday night, and everyone’s in bed, so I’d better make the most of my quiet evening. Brian’s a bit under the weather, so I’m going to try to get some things cleaned up and accomplished before I head to bed, crossing my fingers and pray that Josiah’s sleepy enough to last 5 hours before wanting to eat again. Cheers… have a good weekend!

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The adventures of the week

27th July 2006

Sorry you haven’t heard much from us this week! I’ve had my hands full, and honestly, life has been pretty boring. But even if you find my musings in this post boring, you’ll enjoy the photos:) These first few are just from today, as Josiah’s almost 7 weeks old. The second one below, is Analise snuggling with Josiah as she loves to do.

These next couple pictures are from this past Sunday, when Josiah was wearing one of my favorite outfits. Analise has a cute dress that would almost match, and I’d love a photo of them together, but that would likely be impossible to arrange.

These next two pictures are of Brian and I using our new Peanut Shell pouch. Like I’ve said, it’s been hard to get anything done given that Josiah likes to be held. He is getting better about being by himself, but I had heard about this pouch, and thought we’d get one to try. It’s GREAT! It’s a super-soft microfleece (in the bubble gum pink polka dot, if you’re browsing!). I know Josiah looks a bit scrunched in these photos, but he was comfortable enough to fall asleep, and I’ve read that newborns like to be all curled up like that. We even went for a walk this morning, Analise in the stroller and Josiah in the pouch, in the tummy-to-tummy carry, his favorite position to snuggle up to someone. Besides being warm (because it was almost 80 degrees at 8am and I had a hot little body on me), it worked really well. I highly recommend it to anyone! I think we’re going to use it often.

Today’s excitement was a lunchtime run to Chik-Fil-A for a kids meal. Since our visit on Cow Appreciation Day, we’ve been enjoying the prize from Analise’s kid’s meal, a story CD of PBS’Between the Lions. Analise really likes the stories, especially in the car, and she’s been talking about it all the time. So now, we’ve ventured back to get each of the CDs and we’re only missing one.

Brian’s working on making headway on the bike dilemma. He has the police report, and the identity and phone number of the driver are included on it. The police have told him its his responsibility to contact the driver to find out about insurance, and they’ll only get involved if we’re going to press charges. He hasn’t called him yet, but we’ll let you know how that goes.

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Good Trade, Mom!

24th July 2006

I subscribe to a great newsletter from a website called, Premeditated Parenting, and I just have to share an excerpt from the latest email with you this morning. For all my invaluable mom friends out there…

A “Baby Blues” cartoon pictured a mom sitting on the floor with a baby playing at her feet. She was thinking, “I’ve witnessed every burp, smile, hiccup and whimper this baby has ever made at the expense of my personal interests, career and social life. She then picked up the baby and said, “Good trade!”

Mothering can be very precious… and it is full of sweet moments. Yet the tradeoff isn’t really between career advancement and precious moments. There’s so much more than that.

John 15:13: Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. (NIV)

1 John 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for one another. (TNIV)

Motherhood involves countless sacrifice, not just of self-advancement, but of day-to-day desires. It is endless cooking, cleaning, washing, picking up, correcting, encouraging, explaining, comforting, and I could easily go on. Choosing that life is sacrifice; and choosing that life is love.

While the occasional precious moments may provide a momentary pick-me-up, the greatest encouragement should be that God is pleased with you, and with every choice you make to love your child at your own expense.

Have you traded sleep, peace, body shape, and interests to be a good mom? Good trade!

All I can say is “AMEN!” I’m stealing a few quiet moments this morning before Analise wakes up. Josiah woke up ready to eat at 6, so he’s been fed, burped and snuggled with me on the couch. He’s being a patient boy right now next to me in his swing. He’s just started to make baby sounds, so as I’m typing, he’s making sweet little squeaks, gurgles, ooh’s and ahh’s. I’ve made a good trade:)

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Keep Building!

21st July 2006

Just a quick picture of Analise building with the new blocks that Poppa Dale sent her. She – and I! – are really enjoying them. She, particularly, is enjoying anytime we get down on the floor to play with her. But today, we were building, and I was trying to snap a couple pics,and I was lucky enough to get this first one before she started saying, “Mommy, put camera away. Keep building!” It was so funny. She’s talking so well, it’s just amazing! I kept trying to pull it out and get another picture, but she was adamant that I put it down and keep building. We had a fun time:)

I’ve had a wonderful relaxing week with Brian and Analise at VBS in the mornings. Josiah and I have snuggled lots, I’ve gotten some thank you’s done, done a bit of cleaning, folded some laundry, but really spent some good time with my handsome little man. I’m feeling so much better about things this week.

Ok, we’re off to dinner with Bwaka and Boppa. Have a great weekend!

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A pat on the back to my hubby…

19th July 2006

Today’s been a bit crazier than I had expected. Brian got Analise to “school” this morning, for her last day of the summer Mother’s Day Out. Josiah was incredibly unhappy this morning, and he’s been congested for the past two weeks. I’ve been debating taking him to the doctor, but I haven’t felt like it was necessary since he hasn’t had a fever. I decided finally that today was the day, just to make sure his little cold hadn’t turned into an ear infection. Sure enough, it had. My poor boy, not even 6 weeks old, and already he’s got his first ear infection. I’m crossing my fingers that this isn’t a trend. And guess how much he weighs already! Over 11 lbs! All that eating is fattening him up!

I dropped the prescription off at the pharmacy, and decided since Josiah had finally dropped off to sleep that I could steal away for my pedicure. It was LUXURIOUS. I thorougly enjoyed it, and my toes look great:) But i called Brian near the end of it to see how things were goin and if he wanted me to pick up some lunch. I could hear wailing in the background. But my sweet husband sounded calm and in control, and told me not to worry and to take my time. It was sweet… back in the early days (meaning “first child”), he would have been panicking and begging me to get home as fast as I could. But he’s been through this before and knows that crying will pass. I’m awfully proud of him:)

So we’ve got our antibiotics, Analise is napping, and Josiah is grumping a bit. Hope he feels better soon.

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What to do with myself this week??

18th July 2006

Brian’s teaching Vacation Bible School, and Analise has been going with him. So for most of this week, it’s just Josiah and I on our own in the mornings. WOW – is life easy with one child! I’m taking plenty of time to hold him, just as he enjoys so much. He’s such a snuggly little baby! He really sleeps so much better during the day when he’s in someone’s arms, but if he can’t be held, he’s sleeping a bit better if he’s swaddled tightly. But when I do have some time with my hands free, I’m at a loss with what to do with myself because there’s so many things to get caught up on! Empty the dishwasher, clean the kitchen, pick up toys, fold laundry, write thank yous, address baby announcements… where do I start?? I’m making a little headway, but let this serve as a preliminary “thank you” to those of you deserving it. And for those of you looking forward to a baby announcement… I’m slowly but surely working on it!

Crazy enough – here I sit with a few minutes to myself, and what am I doing? Taking pictures, uploading them and writing a blog:) Just want you all to get a chance to enjoy some of the sweetness I get to see! (The one below was taking as I was holding him, and I was contorting myself at a weird angle, trying not to move bc I didn’t want to use the flash. The things we do for pictures of our kids!) I think in the last couple days, Josiah’s outgrown the “newborn” phase and now he’s more of a baby. He’s plumping up, his baby acne is clearing up, he’s got much better control of his head (unless he’s sleepy), he’s more awake/alert, and he’s enjoying looking at us like he actually sees us. He really is a handsome little man!

Yesterday, I had a doctor’s appointment, and since Brian and Analise were at VBS, Josiah went with me. Then we visited the pool to say hello to all my swim classmates. They were thrilled to meet Josiah, of course. Tomorrow, while Analise is at her last day of “school” (Mother’s Day Out at Lakeside), I’m getting a pedicure courtesy of a gift certificate from church with my friend Lindsay. In the evening is a fun event that our church is hosting, One Amazing Night. It’ll be a carnival with all kinds of FREE fun stuff to do. Hope it’s not too hot!

In case you’re wondering, Brian’s doing ok. He’s awfully sore from his crash on Sunday, and he’s slowly scabbing over. He’s a bit grumpy because he had to ride to work this afternoon, but I suppose with the temp nearly 100 and a heat index over 100, it’s probably a good thing. He’s supposed to talk to the police officer this afternoon to see if anything’s changed about the hit-and-run. We’ll keep you posted. Gotta run… Josiah’s awake and hungry!

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My Biking Luck Has Run Out (Bike Accident 2)

16th July 2006

Well, I think tomorrow will be the first day in several months that I will not even touch my bike. Today as I was biking home from church after the VBS training and prep time, my front wheel slid out from under me as I was making a corner. I’ve included a diagram of the accident. Kristine took some pictures of my road rash, but they’re too gross to post. When I got home, Kristine helped me clean up with a bath. Analise woke up from her nap and came into the bathroom. She said all of the following things: "Daddy hurt?", "Daddy fall down?", "It’s ok." "Daddy all better.", "I wanna wash Daddy."

Thankfully, I fared better than some of the riders in today’s stage of the Tour De France!  Check out the video on I’ll post a link in the comments section later tonight. Or feel free if someone else finds a link to the video to post it below.

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