Family Alive

Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

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Blazing hot here…

15th August 2007

Don’t you wish you were in Alabama?  Thank goodness for central air conditioning and a drive-in garage.  Even if we go out (rarely), we can still stay pretty cool.  We’re in Stage 3 water restrictions, which means no watering with sprinklers – hoses only, and only on our designated days (Tues, Friday, Saturday and Sunday) before 10am and after 6pm.  Whew!  Our beautiful zoygia grass in the front yard is brown and dying, and the only plants we’re trying to save in the yard are my hydrangeas… and it’s not working.  Here’s the weather statement from today…

… Record high temperature set at Pinson…
A record high temperature of 107 degrees was set at Pinson
cooperative observer station today. This breaks the old record of
100 set on this date in 2000. The Pinson all time high for the month
of August was 105 degrees, also set in 2000, hence a new all time
record high as well.
Statement as of 4:22 PM CDT on August 15, 2007

… Heat wave across central Alabama sets new record for consecutive
100 degree days…

The number of consecutive 100 degree days officially made history
today as all four climate stations once again reached 100 degrees.
Today marks the 9th day in a row that temperatures have reached 100
degrees at Birmingham… Tuscaloosa… and Anniston. This breaks the
previous record of eight days at each station. Montgomery broke its
record number of 100 degree days on Tuesday.

With forecast temperatures at or above 100 degrees until Friday…
the record breaking heat wave will continue. A slight cool down is
expected this weekend and the streak may be broken.
Statement as of 3:50 PM CDT on August 15, 2007

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On the move, again!

8th August 2007

I think I’m so far behind with the blog, I’m afraid I’m not going to get caught up! 

My mom left last Thursday :(.  We miss her.  It was so nice to have her here.  I sure miss my family after my infrequent visits with them!  I didn’t get pictures taken but here’s a short list of the things she did – created pretty metal baskets of flowers for Analise’s room, decorated Analise’s window treatments, put up an ABC border near the ceiling of Josiah’s room, hung Josiah’s rainbow baby quilt, sewed me a table runner, recovered my dining room chairs.  She was seriously productive!  It was inspiring!

It’s BLAZING hot and humid here – like 100 with a heat index of 110.  And yes, my crazy hubby is still riding in this weather.  He’s got an extra water bottle with him, though.

We’re laundering and packing today for a trip to Chicago this weekend for my cousin’s wedding.  We leave tomorrow at 7am with Brian’s parents – all 6 of us in their SUV.  Add in Analise’s favorite movie of late – Ice Age – playing over and over in the background, and I’m sure we’ll all be a little crazy by the time we arrive at my Grandma’s on Thursday evening. 

On Friday we’re heading to Chicago to our hotel – a lovely downtown Hampton Inn & Suites.  Friday is Brian’s birthday (31!), and so we’ll celebrate at The Cheesecake Factory, and maybe, just maybe, I can get my kids to bed early so Brian and I can go out and enjoy a little of Chicago in the evening.  Maybe the Navy Pier Ferris Wheel or the Sears Tower to see the sun set and the Chicago Skyline…  Saturday, I’m hoping to spend some time with my family and squeeze in a visit/lunch with a friend and her kids at The Choo Choo Diner.  Saturday evening we’ve got the fancy wedding, dinner and reception in Downtown Chicago.  Sunday we’re looking forward to seeing the Shedd Aquarium before driving back to my Grandma’s in Indiana for the night.  Then Monday we’ll make the long drive back to Alabama. 

Should be fun!  We’ll report back when we can!

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Josiah’s first word

7th August 2007

Josiah just 1 minute ago said his first word. It caught Kristine and I both by surprise. And the word was … "waffle". Kristine was getting his breakfast ready and asked Josiah if he wanted his waffle. Instead of his normal reply of "jah" or "dah", he said "waffle"! As Kristine prompted Josiah to say it again, Analise told us that he said it already.

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Summer 2007 Portraits

2nd August 2007

Tuesday, my mom and I took the kids for photos. They were very good, and I’m really pleased with my cuties. Enjoy!

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One Green Bean

1st August 2007

That’s all it was about.  One green bean.  Oh, it started out as three green beans.  All I wanted Analise to eat was 3 green beans before she could be done with lunch.  But she didn’t want to.  She cried that she didn’t like them.  She cried and cried.  And cried.  As we cleared the table, I told her all she needed to do was eat 1 green been. 

And eventually, since her green bean started to get a little unappetizing with all the coaxing and an attempt to make it more appealing with a dab of sour cream, Grandma Sandy helped her pick another green bean from the bowl.  And being the sweet grandma that she is, she helped her find the smallest.  So I know I wasn’t asking too much for her to eat one half-inch long green bean.  But she refused. 

At one point, she thought she might like the green bean with sprinkles, so I brought her pink sprinkles and we covered the bean.  Now it looks much less appetizing, in my opinion.  But she still wouldn’t eat it.  And she sat at the table for 2.5 hours. I know that her stubborn-ness comes from me.  So it’s like I’m battling myself, which is painful.  And in the end, it was nap time, and I put her down for a nap.  There will be more beans in the future, and I hope that next time the battle is shorter, and maybe sometime after that, there won’t be a battle, because she’ll just see how easy it is to just take one quick bite and be done with it.  She’s gotten very picky about food lately, and maybe bit by bit we can work our way back to some reasonable eating habits. 

Just another day of parenting.  

(When I asked my mom if I was ruining her for life for eating green beans, she asked is I’d been ruined by having to eat just one bite of things.  Hm.  Not really.  Just imitation crab.  My mom would get it occassionally as a treat for herself, and sometimes my dad would find it and cook it up for dinner for all of us.  Nobody won.  Mom didn’t get much, and all 3 of us girls had to eat some.  Torture.  That’s the only thing I’m permanently against eating.  And my sisters would say the same thing, I think.)

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Mom time!

29th July 2007

Sorry you haven’t heard from me this week!  Recovering from the beach vacation was incredibly exhausting for some reason.  My mom flew in on Wednesday for 8 days with us, and we’ve been keeping busy with the kiddos (who were much more of a handful this week than normal) and craftiness.  Hopefully, I’ll post some pictures of our fun crafting projects soon.  She made a cute board with ribbons on it to hang bow clips. Now
she’s recovering my dining room chairs. And she’s hanging random things
that I’ve wanted to hang for a while, and helping me redecorate parts
of the kids bedrooms. Love it when she gets things done that I can’t
seem to!

Mom and I got out to Kohl’s last night… 8:30-10pm. Love Kohl’s hours and shopping with my mom. I did remember my wallet so I could pay for my own stuff on this trip, unlike several other shopping trips this week!  Good thing she was there to save me at Michaels, the grocery store and the Dollar Store:)

She babysat Josiah this evening, while Brian and I, and
Analise went to church for a meeting. The two of them were playing until
it was time for bed, and they came into the family room just as he was
about to go to bed. He looked up at the mantle and saw our family
picture, and started pointing and sobbing. He was inconsolable, poor
boy. My mom turned on Baby MacDonald, which took his mind off things,
and he went to bed for her with minimal fussing. But I can’t believe he
would recognize the picture and put together that he missed us. Love my little man.

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Birthday Party Summer

25th July 2007

It’s been quite a birthday party summer with Analise having three of her own parties, Josiah having one, having fun at her friend Jacob’s birthday party, and finally a great big family party at the beach in South Carolina. Here are some pictures from her Chuck E’ Cheese party in early July after we returned from our Minnesota/Wisconsin vacation.

Analise and Kristine pose with the Little Einstein cake.

Kristine found these cool Little Einstein toys but they were a little too heavy to sit on top of the cake.
Note how Quincy has sunk down to his waist and June is sort of stuck on front of the cake.

Jacob and Analise jumping and dancing in front of the TV camera.

Josiah enjoys playing with the table cloth.

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Sensory Activities for Toddlers – I won!

23rd July 2007

I love reading parenting blogs that have ideas for things to do with the kids.  I came across Z Recommends recently, and it’s got interesting reads like reviews of toddler/kid products, creative activities and other parenting ideas.  They recently posted about a DVD series called Brain Candy.  I submitted a sensory activity of playing with colored rice, and it’s listed in their top 10 list here, and I won a DVD!  Fun!  Good ideas, too!  Enjoy!

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22nd July 2007

I’m just picking up toys this evening, and I came across Analise’s play-doh in her kitchen area. She loves play-doh, and she got a bunch of it for her birthday right before we left for vacation.  It was one of the exciting things she found when we arrived home last night. But play-doh drives me crazy. She loves to squish it through her fingers, mash the colors together, and make little murky-colored balls, which she passes on as muffins or cakes. Everything in me wants to keep the beautiful, bright play-doh colors separate so we can create pretty little colorful creations when we play together. But inevitably, play-doh ends up all mixed together, all the colors lost into the swirly little balls.

It’s kind of a picture of my life… I’d love to keep my house neat and orderly right now, everything picked up and in its place. And there is a time for that… between about 9pm and 7am, and the 15 minutes before we get company. But the rest of the time, there’s a little chaos and disorder, blocks and Little People jumbled together. Play kitchen pieces cluttered with play-doh. And though it looks a bit messy, it signifies creativity and fun, imagination and busyness, and in the end, I give in and let that take precedence. There will be a time for a neat house, with everything in its perfect place. The play-doh will stay in its separate colored containers, waiting for little fingers that have outgrown it and are off doing things and going places being too busy to clutter up my house. So now we’ll mash our play-doh together and make cakes, and when I crave a little brightness, I’ll pull out a new container from Mommy’s "secret place".

We’re home again! Lovely, wonderful, relaxing beach vacation. Brian’s working on pictures right at this moment, so maybe you’ll find some tomorrow. It was really a great time, and it did wonders for me. It is nice to be home though, after living with all 4 of us in a room for 12 nights. And to make this week even more wonderful, my mom is flying in on Wednesday! Yeah!

[From Brian] – Here’s the promised pictures…

Josiah explored a lot on the beach and had a great time, but most of the time
he had a frowny face because of the bright sun, cool water, and sand everywhere.

Uncle Matthew takes the little guy for a walk. My mom and me (Brian) are in the background.

Josiah also got to play in the pool some.

When we weren’t playing in the ocean or at the pool, we relaxed on our balcony and enjoyed the view!

Our one major excursion of the trip was a visit to Brookgreen Gardens. I’ll let the pictures below speak for themselves.

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Two Thumbs up for my Land’s End Swimsuit!

18th July 2007

Ok, Dena commented on the last blog that she liked my suit, and I’ve been wanting to rave about it, so here’s my chance.  I haven’t bought a suit since I was in Nicaragua before we got married, essentially 5 years ago.  Needless to say, 2 kids later, it doesn’t fit, and the thought of swimsuit shopping was really disheartening.  Several people recommended Land’s End, telling me that though they were expensive, swimsuits from there were well worth the money. 

So I found one I liked and ordered it, just in time for our beach vacation.  Yes, it was expensive, and I couldn’t believe I was going to pay so much for a swimsuit.  Unfortunately, I was in between sizes, and when it arrived, it was too big, and we were leaving for Pennsylvania the next day.  AG!  I found out that Land’s End is in Sears’ stores in some states, so we planned a stop in Pennsylvania on our way to New York. 

At the Sears’ Land’s End, I returned my suit for a full refund, and I found this cute pink one that fit.  It was marked at the same price as the one I’d returned.  But when I checked out, it was on sale for 40% off!  AWESOME! 

All that to say, I *LOVE* my Land’s End swimsuit.  It’s very well made, and I’ve worn it twice a day to the beach and pool here on our vacation.   Very comfortable fabric, and most of all, I feel very comfortable in it.  It’s so nice to have a suit that fits, looks cute, and I know I won’t have to worry about getting one for a while. 

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