Family Alive

Brian, Kristine, Analise, and Josiah Toone

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9th January 2008

We’ve got a leaking sewer line running across the top of our basement, which I found heavily dripping onto the extra car this afternoon. It’s gotten worse since we used a little water this evening, and poor Brian’s been emptying buckets to keep the basement from getting any more dirty and wet. The plumber is coming tomorrow morning. I guess if you have to have a sewer leak, this is as good as it can get. But still, not good.

I wrote a nice long post this past weekend summarizing our wonderful trip, but then it got lost in blog-space. Maybe I’ll be back later to rewrite it. Mostly, I raved about what a fabulous trip we had. The pictures tell the story. I love seeing my family and playing in the snow with my kids. I’ve been busy this week trying to bring the house back to some semblence of order, but Christmas has yet to be put away. Maybe this weekend…

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Christmas Wrap-up

5th January 2008

It was great. Thanks!

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Busy, fun day

1st January 2008

We started out the day by taking Josiah sledding for the first time ever. He had a good time, but he was more interested in walking around in the snow like a little penguin than he was in being pulled in the sled. Analise, on the other hand, enjoyed having me run down the hill in front of her pulling her down as fast as I could go. After sledding, I changed into my bike gear and set out on a 75 mile bike ride to Duluth, MN. The plan was for Kristine to drive everyone else in the car and pick me up alongside the road however far I made it. I didn’t make it very far in the cold, snowy weather heading into a stiff wind. Nevertheless, we made it to Duluth to attend the "Zoo Year’s Eve Party" at the Lake Superior Zoo. Experiencing an outdoor zoo with 20+ inches of snow on the ground was awesome! Finally, we met Kat for dinner at Bulldog Pizza.

getting ready for a busy day in the cold
Here’s Josiah all ready for a busy day in the snow!

first time sledding
Josiah’s first sledding experience was good, but he didn’t like being tied down into the sled.

Analise and me sledding
Analise didn’t want to miss the sledding action. Here I am sporting my new Christmas sweatshirt.

artistic Josiah
Josiah liked walking in the snow. Here is a closeup of Josiah that was a little
blurry, but I touched it up with the "paint daubs" filter in Adobe Photoshop.

playful polar bear
This playful polar bear was a popular animal to see. He was actually kind of far away,
but this picture was taken with the full 12x optical zoom on our camera.

cuddly grizzly bear
This HUGE grizzly bear looked friendly, but I wouldn’t want to get in the cage with him!

sleds not strollers
Sleds were the preferred means of transportation for young kids.

up close with a huge deer
We were able to get very close to some of the animals. Here Josiah was able to pet this HUGE deer.
It wasn’t very tall, but it must have weighed half a ton because it was long and wide.

prowling cougars
These cougars were prowling around their exhibit. One of them climbed
on top of a rock and let out a very large meow — it sounded just like a house cat!

sleepy tiger
This sleepy tiger hardly moved at all, but he did blink once or twice.

snowy owl
This snowy owl was hard to see sitting in the snow — but it was one of the coolest animals to see.

hay ride
Hay rides at the zoo.

sledding at the zoo
Another popular thing to do was sled on the big sledding hill. Analise wasn’t quite big enough to go down this hill.

beautiful scenery
The zoo was overall beautiful. In this distance is the Spirit Mountain downhill ski resort. The far rock cropping was the
cougar exhibit. The middle rock area was the polar bear exhibit. The near one I think was the seal exhibit.

pretty sunset
Here’s the pretty sunset behind the Polar Bear exhibit.

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It’s cold up here!

1st January 2008

The temperature gauge read 10 below this morning with a strong wind making the wind chill much much colder. It may be cold — but that didn’t stop us from going skiing today. Check out these pics and video (at the end) of the kids skiing.

cold sunrise (-10F)
We woke up to a very cold beautiful sunrise. Here it is at -10F (-23C)

beautiful sunrise
And here is the beautiful sunrise.

in the warming hut
Analise gets ready to go skiing in the warming hut at the Timberland Hills ski trail.

the ski trail
Dale skiis on ahead on the trail leaving the parking lot.

closeup of mother-daughter skiing
Here’s a closeup of the skiing mother and daughter.

getting up after the first fall
Analise struggles a bit to get up after falling.

analise and grandma sandy
Analise heads out from the parking lot next to Grandma Sandy.

video of the ski family
The whole family gets in on the skiing action. Watch everyone ski near the parking lot.

video of the cold sunrise
Watch the video of the cold sunrise and Analise’s snow angel.

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Snowy bike ride

30th December 2007

We met Kristine’s Godparents, Kathy and Jerry Schultz, and their daughter Sarah for lunch at the Tower House in Cumberland, WI yesterday. We had a great time although the kids melted down pretty bad at the end of lunch. I brought my mountain bike and got these pictures on my bike ride home:

snowy road
County Road H just past the Timberland Hills West cross country ski trails

after the ride
The ride was beautiful with big snowflakes the entire ride — but I think it was also the coldest ride yet.
My hands stayed pretty warm, but my left foot got really cold towards the end. I tried kicking it
against the pedals to keep the blood flowing, but when I got home I found out what the problem
was — there was a layer of snow that had made it inside my shoe cover which was open at the back!

icy roads
Portions of County Road H in Burnett County were not plowed or salted well so there was
hard packed snow and ice that I had to dodge on some of the steeper hills.

river otter pond
This pond last year had a river otter hole in the ice and tracks. This year it was completely snowed over
with many other interesting animal tracks in the snow. The consensus looking at the pictures when I
got back to the house was that most of these were probably rabbit tracks, several of
which I have seen hopping around in the snow during other rides.

frosty trees
Two birch trees completed frosted.

tracks in the winter scene
You can see my mountain bike track in the road in the middle of a snowy winter scene.

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Dinner Train (Adventure)

29th December 2007

Kristine’s parents treated us to a ride on the dinner train in Spooner, WI, and it was awesome! It was also an adventure because the train got stuck in the snow and ice at one of the road crossings. The total trip ended up being 3 hours from 6 until 9 which started to stretch the kids by the end — but they were troopers. See the pictures below from our adventure.

Josiah and Analise in the window after the ride.
After we made it back to the station at the end of the ride, I ran outside to start the car to warm it up for the ride home.

the dining car
Here is the dining car after we got back. Note the long icicles and the snow in the air.

watching a movie
Our kids made it back, although they were VERY tired especially after all the dancing (see below).

sucking on an icicle
Analise enjoys sucking on an icicle pulled from the train window.

dancing with a new friend
Analise dancing with one of her new friends.

dancing with a different friend
Analise dancing with a different friend.

dancing with yet another friend
Analise dancing with yet another friend!

dancing with her daddy
Analise enjoyed dancing with me, too!

josiah and me josiah and me, dancing
Josiah wasn’t going to miss out on any of the dancing.

the great northern railroad
Here’s a picture of the train engine of the Great Northern Railroad.

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Northern snowy winter adventure, Part II

29th December 2007

There’s snow everywhere up here. I can’t believe how many different beautiful scenes we have seen — from snow covered barns, snow covered trees, to snow covered frozen lakes, animal tracks, icicles several feet long, etc… Here’s a few pictures from our trip in the frozen Northwoods of Northern Wisconsin.

a snowy farm house 
A snowy farm scene I came across on a bike ride.

a snow mountain
A snow mountain of plowed snow in a parking lot in Madison, WI. Note that it’s taller than the car.

long icicles at our favorite coffee shop in spooner, wi
Long icicles at our favorite coffee shop in Spooner, WI

Icicles at the Cardwell house in Shell Lake, WI

snow in the frontyard
Snow in the front yard of the Cardwell house.

The Cardwell house with our car in the driveway.

snow depth with Shell Lake, WI annotated
There’s more than 22 inches of snow on the ground. Check out this snow depth map with Shell Lake next to the arrow.

Opening Presents
We had a fun time opening Christmas presents. Analise helped organize all the presents into piles before we got started. Then she helped open everybody’s presents. Lots of fun!

Analise with her Dora doll dressed up in a new dress made in Nicaragua!
Analise with her Dora doll dressed up in a new dress made in Nicaragua that
Grandma Sandy and Poppa Dale found at a craft fair at the local high school. Nicaragua
is a sister country for the state of Wisconsin and this dress was made by women in Nicaragua.

Aunt Anna with her new book
Anna with her new book. Kat checks it out, and Analise has already moved onto the next present.

Kristine with her new winter plate
Kristine with her new winter plate.

Analise wraps Hal as a Christmas present for Anna

Analise gets wrapped up as a present for everybody!
Analise gets wrapped up as a present for everybody!

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Northern snowy winter adventure, Part I

29th December 2007

Well, since I’m posting the pics, I get to post my biking pics first! There’s way too much snow to ride on the lakes this year. There’s no way to get traction through the deep snow. Instead, I’ve been riding the plowed and/or hard packed roads and it has been just as fun and challenging. I’ve gone down hard once and slide quite a bit on the snow. Check out these pics!

biking down a snowy road
Biking down the "Lake Road", which is a ten mile loop that goes around Shell Lake 
(which itself is about 3 miles diagonally across the lake)

snowy dirty bike
Can you believe the gears still work in this mess???

the ice man cometh
Yes, those are icicles hanging from my goatee, which does a great job
of keeping my face and lips warm despite temps in the teens and don’t even
try to guess the wind chill when riding a mountain bike 15mph into a headwind!

Aunt Kat took Analise and I sledding down the steep hill right next to Kristine’s parents house. We had a fun time. Molly the dog had fun chasing Analise and all the other kids sledding down the hill. This was our first extended time in the snow and we were only outside for 30 minutes and by the end Analise and I were both freezing. Analise told us "I’m freezing" and "I’m ss-soo cc-cold" when it was time to go home.

molly chasing
Molly chased everyone down the hill as Aunt Kat pulled her down fast.

pulling down the hill
With all the snow, you either had to go down the steep hill to pick up speed
or as we opted, run down the smaller hill in front of Analise pulling her behind us.

cross-training running up the hill pulling Analise
Here I am pulling Analise up the steep hill as fast as I could getting a little crosstraining in!

Analise went skiing for the first time, and she was a natural! I couldn’t believe how well she did. We got some great videos and pictures too. She was smiling practically the entire HOUR we were outside in the 14 degree temperature. I can’t believe how well everyone did!

getting ready to go
Here Analise is carrying her "baby skis" on the way to the trail head.

Aunt Anna and Analise heading to the start.

Our expanding ski family (compare to a picture in a blog from early 2004 before Analise was born)

josiah hanging out with Kristine
Kristine carried Josiah in her backpack the whole time. Josiah was quiet except for when somebody would
ski past him and then he would get excited and kick a bit and try to say something but we’re not sure what.

Uncle Hal and Aunt Anna pose for a picture near the end of our ski adventure.

Everyone made a ski train and skiied together for a little bit with Analise "the little engine that could"!

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Christmas 2007 Videos, Part II

25th December 2007

One more video from Christmas morning

Analise finds her dollhouse by the Christmas tree
Analise finds her dollhouse by the Christmas tree on Christmas morning.

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Christmas 2007 Videos, Part I

25th December 2007

Not necessarily in chronological order — but here are the videos!

the making of the ginger bread train
The making of the ginger bread train.

santa comes into town on a firetruck
Santa comes into town riding on a firetruck

the 2007 zoo light safari train ride
The 2007 Birmingham Zoolight Safari train ride.

The 2007 Lakeside Mothers Day Out Christmas Program
Analise was the line leader (and she did great!) in the
2007 Lakeside Mothers Days Out Christmas Program.

arriving home in the garage post Christmas eve candelight service
This is what we turned around to find after arriving home in the garage after our Christmas Eve candelight service.
Can you tell who needed more candy to make it through the service?

Christmas dinnertime advent celebration and Bible reading
Analise recites quite a bit of the Christmas story during dinner.

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