Yes, it’s me again. Just some random thoughts from a weary mom. It’s been one of Those Days.
Brian and I were up late last night doing things to get him ready to go. Of course, right as we were drifting off to sleep around midnight, I remembered I had all the money in my wallet and he had none, so throughout the night that thought kept coming to mind. Analise was up once, around 3, jumping loudly out of bed, throwing her door open, throwing our door open, jolting us awake. I took her back and laid with her for a few minutes.
Then Brian’s alarm went off at 4:20. I needed to get up to put the money in his wallet, because I figured he’d forget it in the 4 seconds it would take him to walk from the bedroom to the living room in his bleary-eyed state, with his mind solely thinking of coffee and cereal. I did go back to bed immediately, though, praying in my half sleep that somehow the kids would sleep through Brian’s departure. Amazingly, they did, though Josiah thought it was morning at 5:45. I tossed a couple toys in his bed and told him it was absolutely NOT morning yet. Analise came to my bed at 6:15, and finally Josiah started loudly throwing things out at 6:30.
We were all grumpy from the moment we got up. Analise was full of tears and dramatics for various things off and on all day. We visited a friend down the street so I could talk about MOPS leadership things. Analise told me later they weren’t being very nice to her, but while we were there she was in tears several times. Josiah prowled their house looking for things to climb on and knock over. Except for the cute moment where he got down on his belly and laid nose to nose with their sweet little chubby 5-month old. He was talking to her about something. Not a very good meeting.
I decided we all needed a break, so we hopped in the car for Chik-Fil-A. Lunch and an hour of the crazy playground was a good answer for my frazzled morning. Amazingly and in spite of the bunches of kids, we didn’t have many teary moments, except for Josiah getting run over by the big kids a couple times. I had to laugh as I sat there watching mom after mom walk into the restaurant with 2, 3 and 4 kids in tow. How many others were there just counting the minutes until naptime like I was?
It’s nice to know I’m not alone 
Naptime was a just the wonderful respite we all needed. There was the usual post-nap grumpies by all, but when I finally gave up trying to get things done and sat down and played puzzles and games, everyone was happy. And now, it’s bedtime. I’m determined to get a good night’s sleep so that at least I wake up in a better mood tomorrow!