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-- last update 6/08/05 --

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Bridal Party

Dear children, let us not love each other with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. John 3:18


Anna Cardwell maid of honor
My dear sister, who took a semester off college to join me serving in Nicaragua. After being apart since I left for college in 1994, these three months were an amazing time of friendship and getting to share each other's lives and hearts.

Kathryn Cardwell bridesmaid
My dear littlest sister. Graduating this week, she's grown into an amazing young woman. She joined Anna and I in Nicaragua for the first week the three of us have ever spent on our own.

Dena Koehn bridesmaid
Dena will always be my roommate, even 5 years after she left me for her husband. Now that I've got the option, I understand why:) Randomly placed together our freshman year at UW-Green Bay, we became fast friends and spent the next 4 years sharing our room and lives.

Robyn Weiskopf bridesmaid
Robyn joined the UW-Green Bay ski team my senior year, and we immediately shared lots in common. Although we've been apart for a long time, God's knit our hearts together and we can always pick up right where we left off.


Matthew Toone best man
My brother, who has inspired me with his musical talent, with whom I've shared countless trips to grandma's house, who has tossed me many a whiffle ball, and whom I love. We've been apart for a few years while I've been at school, but nonetheless there's a bond between us that cannot be broken by distance or time and I'm thankful and privileged to have him stand beside me on this day.

Steve groomsman
I met Steve at Woodstock's Pizza for our first week of Bible study together my first few weeks in California. Since then we've roomed together, led Bible study together, led an outreach ministry to the homeless together, and shared our hearts together in this life in Christ. And through it all I've admired this man's passion for Christ and the amazing love God has placed in his servant heart; and so I'm honored to have this man stand with me.

Radu Teodorescu groomsman
Responding to a roommate email post, I had no idea what an awesome roommate and friend I would find in Radu! Through sharing a room for two years, enjoying the outdoors hiking and biking, struggling through the same computer science classes in grad school (actually, he was doing fine and I was the one struggling), we've shared so much together and I'm thankful and couldn't imagine it any other way than him standing with me on this day too.

Kirk Nelson groomsman
I met Kirk through the homeless ministry, and really got to know him as a friend and brother while co-leading this ministry together. Since then we've shared many a prayer together -- whether in the car driving back from Sacramento, or on a park bench near St. James at 6:30AM, or in Kirk's apartment at Bible study, or over one of many meals together. What an awesome friend and brother to have standing with me on this day.