
details of events 
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-- last update 6/08/05 --

mailing address 6/8/05
video updated 2/19/04
mailing address 9/3/03
wedding/honeymoon pics 7/25/03
high, med & low res video 7/3/03
video updated 6/29/03
fun local info for out-of-towners 6/13/03
slideshow 6/7/03
our story 6/7/03
bridal party 5/22/03
Bible verses 5/22/03
maps 5/21/03
directions 5/20/03
rsvp 5/19/03
guestbook 5/18/03
bridal registry 5/17/03
accommodations 5/16/03
out of towners 5/16/03
details of events 5/15/03
website created 5/12/03


United in Christ - Kristine Cardwell and Brian Toone

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. Ephesians 5:25

the happily newly married couple upon arriving at the reception

Come celebrate with us!

We invite you to partake in a celebration of the love of God as Kristine and Brian are united together in Christ through marriage. Join us as we celebrate the grace and mercy that enables two hearts to become one and to grow in the knowledge and stature of Christ.

Happily married

Our new address
3517 Laurel View Rd
Birmingham, AL 35216
view map

When and where

June 28, 2003
Salem Lutheran Church
Shell Lake, Wisconsin, USA

Web video now available online
Anywhere in the world!
online video

About Kristine

Kristine just completed nearly 2 years of missions work in León, Nicaragua with Mercy Ships, teaching community health education and English, discipling teenage girls and keeping the Mercy Ships Nicaragua web site up-to-date. Her personal page Glimpses of God's Grace has more details of her work in Nicaragua and her beautiful heart for ministry.

About Brian

Brian is completing his Ph.D. at the University of California-Davis. He's doing a tremendous balancing act with research, classes, leading a men's group, teaching Sunday School and keeping in touch with his far-off fiancee!

About the new photo

Right after arriving at the reception at the Schwann Center, the newly married couple stop and pose for this picture while celebrating the page turned in their lives together! Amazing photo by the amazing Corrie Haffly