
details of events 
live video 
bridal party 
our story 

out of towners 
maps & directions 

-- last update 6/08/05 --

mailing address 6/8/05
video updated 2/19/04
mailing address 9/3/03
wedding/honeymoon pics 7/25/03
high, med & low res video 7/3/03
video updated 6/29/03
fun local info for out-of-towners 6/13/03
slideshow 6/7/03
our story 6/7/03
bridal party 5/22/03
Bible verses 5/22/03
maps 5/21/03
directions 5/20/03
rsvp 5/19/03
guestbook 5/18/03
bridal registry 5/17/03
accommodations 5/16/03
out of towners 5/16/03
details of events 5/15/03
website created 5/12/03


rsvp online

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 1 John 4:11-12

Thank you for your interest in our wedding. We had a wonderful celebration on June 28, 2003 as we vowed before God and man to love each other all of our days. We hope you were able to join us in person or online, but if you were not able to, you can still...

  • ... view a slideshow of pictures from our wedding, honeymoon, engagement, and courtship.
  • ... view a video of our wedding ceremony.

Or, if you would like to leave us a message, please leave us a note in our guestbook. Thank you!