Tria Cycling presented by DonohooAuto

An elite racing team based out of Birmingham, Alabama

Comments, Feedback, and Suggestions

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2 Responses to “Comments, Feedback, and Suggestions”

  1. Axel Emons Says:


    my name is Axel Emons from Germany. I am cycling amateur races in Germany. The next two weeks from June the first to Friday the 11th I will be located in Calera Alabama. As I want to continue my training I am looking for a cycling shop where I can hire a race bike for that time. Can you please help me and send me the email adress of a shop you can recomend.

    Thanks in advance
    Axel Emons

  2. brtoone Says:

    Hi Axel, there are lots of great shops in town, but the closest one to Calera is probably the Cahaba Cycles in Pelham. Here’s their website and contact information and a link to their website – 2271 Pelham Parkway, Pelham, AL 35124, Phone 205-987-4043 –