Program |
Command Syntax |
Functionality |
apt-get |
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
update debian with 2006 security keys
exim |
for mid in `sudo mailq | grep K | cut -c 11-26` ; do sudo exim -Mvb $mid ; done
displays the message bodies for all frozen messages in exim mailq
find, sort |
find . -size +1000k -printf "%8k \t %50f \t %h\n" | sort
find all files w/ size > 1MB and sort by size
find |
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
set permissions to rw-r--r-- recursively for all files in "."
find |
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
set permissions to rwxr-xr-x recursively for all directories in "."
vi |
yank to end of paragraph
vi |
reformat to end of paragraph
vi |
reformat the current paragraph
vi |
jump to next marker/flag
ssh |
ssh -C -R 2048:localhost:22 user@host
ssh into host with compression enabled and a reverse tunnel setup on the host's port 2048
ssh |
ssh -p 2048 localhost
ssh through the reverse tunnel setup by the previous command